Soap Opera Digest

GH: Laura Is In Danger


■ Laura makes the acquaintan­ce of Cassandra Pierce under dangerous circumstan­ces when the onthe-lam villainess holds her (and Curtis) at gunpoint on The Haunted Star.

Laura is on the yacht trying to help Curtis hunt down the missing codicil to Mikkos’s will when she realizes that they’re not alone. Sets up Jessica Tuck (Cassandra), “She discovers Cassandra hiding in a closet. I don’t know that Cassandra expected them to be there, but she calls her Madam Mayor, so Cassandra is aware of who she is. She’s done her research. Cassandra doesn’t know her, but she certainly knows of her.”

Cassandra acts fast when she’s discovered. “First, she tries to do away with them,” the actress recounts. “She holds a gun on her.” The duo is able to outsmart Cassandra and get the weapon away from her. “And then the gun ends up being held on Cassandra — like, ‘Whoops, I’m not as clever as I think I am!’ So when that happens, she then turns around and says, ‘Yo, we don’t need to be enemies! Let’s be friends!’ Cassandra is like, ‘Well, let me try to bring them to my side.’ But they haul her into the police station.”

Cassandra doesn’t let her arrest stand in the way of trying to make a deal with Laura. “She asks for a little kind of tête-à-tête with her, solo,” Tuck explains.

“She just does what she needs to do to get the job done.”

A wary Laura agrees, and joins Cassandra in the interrogat­ion room. “In the room, Cassandra tries to get Laura to join forces with her against Valentin. Cassandra knows that she also has an interest in taking him down. She goes, ‘Okay, let’s work together. I can give you everything you need to take Valentin down once and for all. Don’t tell me that’s not of mutual interest to us.’ But Laura turns around and rebuffs her. She says, ‘No way, talk to the hand.’ ”

When Laura rejects her, Cassandra switches tactics entirely. “She calls Valentin, the person she’s about to turn in!” Tuck marvels. “And she’s like, ‘You’d better help me out.’ So, she is playing both sides of the coin at this point. What’s great about Cassandra is that she may play both sides of the coin, but she doesn’t get nervous about it! She’s just ruthless. She’s a survivor. She just does what she needs to do to get the job done — whatever the job is [laughs]. I’m never quite exactly sure of what she’s doing, but she does it with a vengeance!”

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 ??  ?? Let’s Make A Deal: Cassandra (Tuck, l.) makes Laura (Genie Francis) a tempting offer.
Let’s Make A Deal: Cassandra (Tuck, l.) makes Laura (Genie Francis) a tempting offer.

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