Soap Opera Digest



■ Because Connor is in such emotional turmoil over the absence of his father, Nick decides to bring Adam back to Genoa City. “Suffice it to say that it’s the worst thing imaginable for Nick to do but it’s for a greater cause,” says Joshua Morrow (Nick). “Obviously, his feelings for Adam haven’t changed. Nick is glad Adam is out of town but now he’s forced to bring back his brother. It’s a terrible thing for Nick to do but he just grits his teeth to make this happen.”

After arriving in Las Vegas, Nick knocks on the door of Adam’s hotel suite. “Adam is always leery because every time Nick comes around, it’s to bully or threaten Adam,” notes Morrow. “It’s not surprising that Adam has a negative reaction of, ‘What, you’re here to verbally assault me some more?’ ”

When Nick explains that he’s there for Connor, Adam listens to what his brother has to say but isn’t immediatel­y looking to step in. “Initially, Adam is like, ‘These are all problems that you guys need to deal with, so you fix them,’ ” describes the actor. “Nick knows this little boy is falling apart and despite the problem Adam is, he’s the only person who could truly help his son. It really kills Nick that he’s not able to assist Connor but Adam is the only one who can help.”

At first, Adam complains that Nick wants to come off as the knight in shining armor for Chelsea. “These two men have needled each other to gain Chelsea’s favor but Nick isn’t concerned about that right now,” Morrow points out. “Chelsea is with Nick and they’re happy together, so for Adam to accuse Nick of trying to score more points is ridiculous because Adam isn’t even in the game anymore.”

When Nick details Connor’s troubling behavior, Adam finally realizes the gravity of the situation. Morrow adds, “Nick’s sole ambition right now is to help Connor. He loves this little boy and he badly wants to be part of Connor’s life. Nick would like to fill the role of father figure but he’s unable to do it. Nick thinks he’s doing what’s the worst for everyone else, but this is for Connor. We’ll have to wait and see if this blows up in everyone’s face.”

“It’s the worst thing imaginable for Nick to do.”

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 ??  ?? Man To Man: Nick (Morrow, near r.) swallows his pride to get through to Adam (Mark Grossman).
Man To Man: Nick (Morrow, near r.) swallows his pride to get through to Adam (Mark Grossman).

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