Soap Opera Digest

Mishael Morgan (Amanda)


Favorite Shampoo: “Moroccanoi­l.”

Favorite Jeans Brand: “Levi’s. They make the best boyfriend jeans.”

Favorite Phone App: “Headspace! Because it’s the only thing that got me into meditating.”

Favorite Type Of Cuisine: “I love everything, but doubles and roti is at the top of the list ... Trinidadia­n.”

Favorite Sports Team: “Raptors! Toronto pride!”

Favorite Breakfast Item: “Brioche french toast. It has to be brioche!”

Favorite Coffee Drink: “Almond milk latte, because it’s so yummy and not too sweet.”

Favorite Adult Beverage: “Glenlivet scotch.” Favorite sweet treat: “Anything chocolate! Need I say more?” Favorite Healthy Snack: “Acai bowls, they’re healthy but they’re so good.”

Favorite Color: “Red, it brightens up everything.” Favorite Magazine: “Soap Opera Digest, of course.” Favorite Book: “A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. It seriously changed my perspectiv­e on life and helped me become more positive and content.”

Favorite Item In Your Wardrobe: “Earrings because they make every outfit better.”

Favorite Room In Your Home: “The kitchen, because that’s where the food is! And the best gossip happens in the kitchen.”

Favorite Sitcom: “SEINFELD. I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like SEINFELD!” Favorite Movie: “Shawshank Redemption because I used to watch it with my dad.”

Favorite TV Host: “Oprah. She is everything — smart, funny, warm, real and truly inspiratio­nal.”

Favorite Comedian: “Dave Chappelle, because he’s not just funny, he’s also so smart with his humor.”

Favorite Singer Or Band: “Whitney Houston. She’s a true diva.”

Favorite Place To Learn Lines: “In front of the TV. I just feel like I get inspired while I’m being entertaine­d, but we’ve got to be watching Chappelle!”

Favorite Kitchen Appliance: “Kitchenaid mixer because I love baking!”

Favorite Vacation Spot: “Trinidad and Tobago because it truly is paradise. And it has some of the best people and food in the world!”

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