Soap Opera Digest

Brytni Sarpy (Elena)


✱ My Daily Routine Consists Of: “I wake up, practice yoga with my teacher, Emilie Perz, on Zoom, make breakfast, meditate, walk the pup, work on a script, make lunch, possibly clean up or work on something around the house, start dinner, watch a show of some sort, walk the pup, sleep and repeat.” I’m Staying In Touch With Family And Friends

By: “I am staying in touch with everyone via Facetime or just the phone.”

I’m Keeping In Shape By: “Practicing yoga Monday through Saturday on Zoom.”

The Show I Binged And Loved: “I was behind on WESTWORLD and just caught up. It was so good.”

Most Fun Thing I’ve Done While At Home: “I am enjoying cooking nearly every day, multiple meals. I am not usually able to cook this often.” Most Productive Thing I’ve Done While At Home:

“Working on my first script.” Most Surprising Thing I’ve Found In My Pantry:

“I just moved, so my pantry is pretty fresh, but a surprising thing in my pantry is probably the quantity of Auntie Anne’s mac and cheese boxes. Mac and cheese is one of my comfort foods. I have a lot of it.” The Best Meal I’ve Made Since

I’ve Been Staying At Home: “The last time we were able to go to the Farmers Market, we got the best scallops — sushi-grade — I have ever had the pleasure of cooking (I did a light pan sear). They were a great size and so delicious.” The Gadget I’ve Most Relied

On: “I think Wifi in general is my most relied upon thing; I would sadly be lost without it.” App I Most Recently

Downloaded: “The

Dyson app because I recently got a new air purifier.” The Person I’m Most Excited To Hug Postquaran­tine: “Pretty much all persons, but definitely my parents.”

Right Now, I’m Most Grateful For: “Being able to quarantine with my best friend.” When I Feel Anxious, I...: “Stretch. It helps get all of the tension and fear-dominant energy we hold in, get it out of our systems.” My Message To The Fans In These Uncertain

Times: “I heard a quote by Toni Morrison this week that really resonated with me as an artist, and also resonates with the inner artist in all of us. I think if we all can nurture what we are truly passionate about in hopes of spreading that passion and energy to someone who can relate to it and be inspired by it, we can not only lift ourselves up, but raise each other higher than where we were when we first entered this challengin­g phase. There is a lesson in every hardship, this one is a universal lesson, that we all have to embrace. [The quote is] ‘This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizati­ons heal.’ ”

 ??  ?? OK Computer: Sarpy relies on her laptop to stay in touch with the outside world and for scriptwrit­ing.
OK Computer: Sarpy relies on her laptop to stay in touch with the outside world and for scriptwrit­ing.
 ??  ?? Routine Physical: Sarpy only takes one day off from yoga.
Routine Physical: Sarpy only takes one day off from yoga.

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