Soap Opera Digest

James Patrick Stuart (Valentin)


✱ My Daily Routine Consists Of: “I wake up early to binge-watch CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM without the judgment of my sleeping family. I’ll finish a pot of coffee, maybe work on a puzzle. Get the kids up for online school. Work in the recording studio until dinner. Join a Zoom conference for some poker with my friends. Watch TV in bed with [wife] Jocelyn.” I’m Staying In Touch With Family And

Friends By: “Zoom. Facetime. Instagram. Text. My mother lives in England and Facetime has been wonderful; we’ve seen more of her in the past few weeks than we have in a long time, because we check in and just hang out together.”

I’m Keeping In Shape By: “Biking, running, doing calistheni­cs on the patio with my kids. I’ve noticed in my Zoom meetings with my friends that we’re all ballooning up! Like everyone else, I’m just waiting for my chance to get back into the gym and until then, I’m sitting there with pretzel dust all over my chest [laughs].”


Most Fun Thing I’ve Done While At Home:

“Reconnecti­ng with my wife and teenagers. Sleeping in a tent in the backyard with my youngest in torrential rain. Also, gaining 5-to-10 pounds has been enormous fun.” Most Productive Thing I’ve Done While At

Home: “I’m more than half-finished with my second album, Clean Slate.” Most Surprising Thing I’ve Found In My Pantry:

“Jimmy Hoffa.” The Best Meal I’ve Had Since I’ve Been Staying

At Home: “Jocelyn made pasta puttanesca for the first time and it was spectacula­r.” The Gadget I’ve Most Relied On: “Coffee maker, then my iphone.” App I Most Recently Downloaded:

“Pppoker. Zoom. Doordash.” The Person I’m Most Excited To Hug

After My Self-quarantine: “Scarlett Fernandez [Charlotte], [GH Publicist] Ambir Sniezko ... Beyoncé?”

Right Now, I’m Most Grateful For: “My


When I Feel Anxious, I...: “Whimper. Rock in the fetal position. Oh ... were you looking for a solution? Go for a walk.” My Message To The Fans In These

Uncertain Times: “This too shall pass.” 53

 ??  ?? Sound It Out: Stuart has been hard at work on his upcoming album, Clean Slate.
Sound It Out: Stuart has been hard at work on his upcoming album, Clean Slate.
 ??  ?? Errand Boy: “Me in the
Land Rover out for groceries.”
Errand Boy: “Me in the Land Rover out for groceries.”

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