Soap Opera Digest

Victoria Konefal


My Daily Routine Consists

Of: “Coffee, coffee, and some more coffee. My daily staples consist of me using various face masks, working out, stretching and taking [dog] Lola on long walks. I also have been working on some scenes for my acting class. We decided to have group Facetime sessions twice a week and that has been a godsend. I’m so grateful.” I’m Staying In Touch With Family And Friends By:

“Literally calling and

Facetiming them every single day. It’s killing me not to be near them, but staying at home is the best thing that I can do for them, and for literally everyone else.” I’m Keeping In Shape By: “Boxing in my backyard and going on late-night runs through the neighborho­od. I also have a bunch of at-home gym equipment that I play around with.” The Shows I Binged And Loved: “FLEABAG, THE MORNING SHOW and OZARK. I just started BLACKLIST and I love it so far.” Most Fun Thing I’ve Done While At Home:

“Dressed like a unicorn for three days? Played a game of Cards Against Humanity with my dog ... and lost? Had a five-minute conversati­on on the phone with my mother’s cat? We were just meowing at each other. I think she really gets me.” Most Surprising Thing I’ve Found In My Pantry:

“Canned Russian beef stew. And a box of Thanksgivi­ng stuffing.” The Best Meal I’ve Made/had Since I’ve Been Staying At Home: “I’ve made

100 percent of my meals since quarantine started and all of them have been bomb. But the answer is a tie between my honey/lime/ coconut shrimp stir fry and my steak with a side of green beans, portobello mushrooms and mashed potatoes. A classic.”

The Gadget I’ve Most Relied On: “My juicer and my Nutribulle­t Blender! They have been a staple in my morning routine and help me focus on staying healthy amid all this snacking I’ve been doing.” The Person I’m Most Excited To

Hug Post-quarantine: “My family. I’m going to hug them all at the same time if I have to; I don’t care. And Olivia Rose Keegan [ex-claire]. I drove by her house the other day. I sat near her patio and she stood in her doorway while we just looked at each other. It broke my little quarantine heart.”

Right Now, I’m Most Grateful For: “Living in privilege, as obnoxious as it may sound. And by that I don’t mean anything pretentiou­s. I just mean that I am grateful for having access to running/clean water, easy access to food, a safe home to stay in, having stable electricit­y and Wifi, etc. Not everyone has the luxury of living in comfort like that, and my heart absolutely goes out to whoever in the world that may be. And I’m super-grateful for my puppy, Lola.

She has been the best COVID cuddle buddy.”

When I Feel Anxious, I...: “Take deep breaths and write. Whether it’s writing music, poetry or simply a list of things that make me happy, writing helps me organize my thoughts and emotions. Oh, I also dance it out.” My Message To The Fans In These Uncertain

Times: “Do not pressure yourself into trying to ‘stay productive’. It’s okay to just kick back and do nothing. We are experienci­ng something so rare and frightenin­g, and we all have different methods of coping. As long as you’re doing your best to take care of yourself mentally/physically, you’re doing great.”

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 ??  ?? Picture Perfect: Konefal’s selfie game is on point at home.
Picture Perfect: Konefal’s selfie game is on point at home.

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