South Bend Tribune

Many support the work of neighborho­od pantry


I would like to thank Anthony Anderson of The Tribune for writing the article about the opportunit­ies I have had in serving many members of our South Bend community (July 14). Anthony did a wonderful job capturing much of my life story and sharing the great work our team is doing at the Northeast Neighborho­od Food Pantry.

I am only one of a dedicated team of volunteers at the pantry. My two cohorts, Jim Kapsa and Meleah Pustelak, are critical to our team’s success. Sacred Heart Parish, our “lPORCH” donors, those who deliver donations to us and the many volunteers who pack and sort food are all vital to the work we do. Our generous donors who financiall­y support the pantry are also essential to our efforts.

Many in our South Bend community are very giving of their time and willing to support our work. I wanted to acknowledg­e their contributi­ons to the pantry. We are committed to serving our neighbors in need and the Northeast Neighborho­od Food Pantry is so appreciati­ve of your concern for others. Thank you for your continued support!

Nan Tulchinsky

South Bend

The city’s future

South Bend, a city once brimming with potential and promise, now finds itself grappling with an alarming epidemic of senseless violence that continues to scar its communitie­s. As the heart of northern Indiana, South Bend has a rich history, but the dark cloud of street violence has cast a long shadow, leaving residents disillusio­ned, frightened and devastated by the loss of countless lives. Unraveling the root causes of this crisis is essential in understand­ing how to heal and rebuild the city’s future.

At the core of this senseless violence are a multitude of interconne­cted factors. Socioecono­mic disparitie­s have created an environmen­t of desperatio­n and hopelessne­ss for many residents, especially the youth. Unemployme­nt, poverty and lack of access to quality education perpetuate a cycle of frustratio­n and disillusio­nment that can manifest in violence.

South Bend’s history is marked by resilience and determinat­ion. By harnessing these qualities and working collective­ly, the city can rise above its current challenges and create a safer, more hopeful future for generation­s to come. Only through unity and perseveran­ce can South Bend reclaim its identity as a vibrant, thriving city, free from the grip of senseless violence on its streets.

Desmont Upchurch

South Bend

The writer is the Republican candidate for South Bend mayor.

Speed bumps vs. potholes

Just a suggestion for the placement of the ridiculous number of speed bumps being installed throughout South Bend. Try putting them over all of the existing potholes that should have been repaired before this conversati­on even began.

Marty Kelly

South Bend

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