South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)

Florida politics unsettled by conspiracy theory crazies


The moment it was revealed that Joe Biden had substitute­d a bullet-riddled body double for Osama bin Laden, then covered up the deception by murdering members of SEAL Team Six (an impressive workload for a 77-year-old), I knew the Dems were in trouble.

If this election comes down to which party disseminat­es the most outlandish conspiracy theories to the most wildeyed believers, Democrats will be buried beneath a big red mudslide. Republican social media influencer­s may reside in Bizarro-world, but they possess the skills to convert unhinged imaginings into political currency.

Consider how they’ve managed to transform doddering old Joe Biden into a stone-cold killer of the Navy’s most feared warriors. A fellow who, in his spare time, mastermind­s a worldwide conglomera­tion of pedophile politician­s with a penchant for pizza. After Biden and Hillary and George Soros and Barack Obama and their fellow travelers have their way with their young sex slaves, they kill the kiddies and extract anti-aging hormones from their blood.

All this accomplish­ed, apparently, without attracting attention from either law enforcemen­t or the children’s parents.

Joe (who has cleverly disguised the restorativ­e effects of his anti-aging hormone injections with an old man’s face) has accomplish­ed all this nefarious stuff during a rather busy presidenti­al campaign. And to think that Donald Trump called this guy “low-energy Sleepy Joe.”

While we’re at it: What about Obama’s birth certificat­e? How the hell did JFK Jr. — back from the dead — become entangled in these rightwing tableaus? And the question that has stumped philosophe­rs for as long as I can remember (about four years, on a good day): What about Hillary’s emails?

The 2020 election has become a test of a new kind of political strategy. A few days from now, we’ll find out if insanity works.

Joe Biden has built what would seem to be a formidable lead heading into the final days of the presidenti­al campaign. (FiveThirty­ reported Thursday that Biden leads in the national polls by an average of 9.9 percentage points, which explains why down-ticket Republican candidates are suddenly having trouble rememberin­g the president’s name.) But Trump has a clear lead in the subterrane­an netherworl­d where dark fantasies supplant mundane truths. A Yahoo News/YouGov poll released Tuesday found 50 percent of Trump supporters surveyed said that they believe Democrats are running child sex-traffickin­g rings.

The Sun Sentinel reported this week that the all-important Hispanic vote in South Florida, usually a dependable chunk of the region’s Democratic coalition, has been roiled by far-right conspiracy theories disseminat­ed by Spanish-language media. Voters have been deluged with fanciful disinforma­tion borrowed from Russian internet trolls or from our unhinged homeboy whackos (inspired by mischief-makers posting on the infamous Qanon website.)

“Is Bill Gates the antichrist? You’ll be shocked.” Not as shocked, I suspect, as

Bill Gates. Though Gates lately has lost his place in the villain hierarchy to the diabolical Anthony Fauci, who, according to conspiracy theory mongers, loosed the COVID-19 virus upon America to ensure an election victory for Joe Biden, a fellow member of the dreaded Illuminati.

The New York Times reported Wednesday that a popular Miami Spanish-language radio host and Twitter influencer has been warning followers that leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement practiced brujería or witchcraft. “So you ask yourself, ‘Why are they destructiv­e?’” Carinés A. Moncada mused on her radio show (according to the Times’ report). “Because they are vibrating with the devil. They are vibrating with negativity. They are vibrating with the dark. And whoever votes for Biden, unfortunat­ely, is supporting that,” she concluded.

Pollsters can hardly measure the effect this stuff might have on the electorate, but Democrats should be vibrating with fear. They have no comparable weapons.

The left and their never-Trumper allies from the pre-Donald Republican Party have tried to make do with fact-based allegation­s, informing voters how Trump failed to devise a coherent policy against COVID19, disparaged the military, assaulted women, cavorted with strippers, mocked the disabled, exploited the presidency to drum up business for his hotels and golf resorts, and paid only $750 in income tax for two successive years. Any other campaign, against any other opponent, such an unseemly record might convince his supporters to rethink their choice.

Not in 2020. Lefties clearly need to dispense with truth, test the depths of human gullibilit­y and invent their own set of wild-eyed whoppers. All they need is a bit of imaginatio­n and maybe a boost from the (shudder) deep state.

Fred Grimm, a longtime resident of Fort Lauderdale, has worked as a journalist in South Florida since 1976. Reach him by email at or on Twitter: @ grimm_fred

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