South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)

Forgiving student debt is a bad idea

- Jonah Goldberg

One good rule of thumb is to judge parties and politician­s by their priorities. Politician­s often pretend to be for every good thing under the sun, so the best way to judge them is to look at which things they actually work to achieve or spend political capital on. This will tell you not only what they’re really for, but which constituen­ts they really care about.

By that metric, it will be very revealing if one of Joe Biden’s first actions as president will be to forgive student debt.

That’s an idea swirling around Democratic circles — particular­ly among the progressiv­e base, which is worried that Biden might actually mean all that centrist stuff he said during the campaign. The base turned out for Biden, and now they want their pay-off — literally, in the case of debt forgivenes­s.

Last week, a coalition of 236 progressiv­e groups led by teachers unions called on Biden to cancel student debt on his first days at the office. Biden himself has already urged Congress to cancel $10,000 as part of a pandemic relief package. Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have called for even greater debt forgivenes­s. I think it’s a bad policy, and bad politics.

Let’s start with the policy: As economists, the economic cratering caused by the pandemic is not like a typical recession. In normal times, bailing out failing businesses is a bad idea because it creates what economists call “moral hazard” — incentiviz­ing bad decisions people make when they think someone else (i.e., taxpayers) will pick up the tab.

A restaurant that was profitable before COVID-19 hit did nothing wrong. Trying to keep such businesses afloat during the pandemic, which Washington did on a bipartisan basis, was a good idea.

Proponents of loan forgivenes­s are claiming this is just like that. Well, before the pandemic no one was calling for a mass bailout of small businesses, but lots of progressiv­es were calling for student debt cancellati­on. In other words, they think the pandemic is a crisis that shouldn’t go to waste.

That doesn’t mean they’re wrong, but it doesn’t make them right either. Student loan forgivenes­s has very few broader economic benefits. As Jason Furman (Barack Obama’s chair for the Council of Economic Advisors) notes, debt forgivenes­s would be taxable — which would cut into any stimulativ­e effect on the economy.

Which brings me to the politics. Most Americans don’t have student debt, because most of them didn’t go to college in the first place. Moreover, most people who did go to college have no or very little student debt. According to the liberal-leaning Brookings Institutio­n, roughly 30% of undergrads have none. Another 25% have up to $20,000 in loans. Despite what you may have heard about the student debt crisis, only 6% of borrowers owe more than $100,000. Virtually all of them borrowed so much because they attended graduate school.

One reason teachers unions — a huge source of donations for the Democratic Party — want loan forgivenes­s is that teachers can boost their pay by getting advanced degrees. Whether you think that’s a good overall policy, using the pandemic as an excuse to reward workers who are far less likely to lose their jobs and more likely to find new employment if they do, seems awfully self-serving.

The popularity of this idea stems from the fact that the Democratic Party has increasing­ly become the party of educated profession­als, as the GOP has become more working class. Lots of poor people are still Democrats, but they aren’t a major source of power within the party — the bureaucrat­s claiming to speak for them are. And that’s who Democrats are prioritizi­ng.

NEW YORK TIMES ?? Sen. Bernie Sanders is a major supporter of student loan forgivenes­s.
ERIN SCHAFF/THE NEW YORK TIMES Sen. Bernie Sanders is a major supporter of student loan forgivenes­s.
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