South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)

Temples hosting bar/bat mitzvahs with safety measures

- By Sergio Carmona

Within the past few months, synagogues in South Florida have returned to hosting in-person bar and bat mitzvah ceremonies in their sanctuarie­s for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March.

The ceremonies have consisted of safety measures including mask wearing, distancing, limited attendance and plexiglass panels. They have also been available for extended families and friends to view virtually. Celebratio­ns include those that were long delayed because of the virus.

Rabbi Andrew Jacobs of Ramat Shalom Synagogue in Plantation said the congregati­on has hosted four ceremonies since late August, and have others coming up in November and December. He said at the first two, they were limed to 20 people, but at the ones that took place after the High Holidays, the limitation was increased to 40 people in the sanctuary.

“We limited the service to an hour, while before our bar mitzvah service were two hours, so they’re much shorter,” Jacobs said. We don’t have prayer books as everything is broadcast on the screen, but we are also able to Zoom in participan­ts who aren’t able to come, and they can see the service and also take part in it.”

Jacobs said the reception to the ceremonies the synagogue hosted so far have been very emotional, especially for the children.

“One of the kids said all he wanted was to be able to stand in his sanctuary and become a bar mitzvah, so for these kids to be able to do that was very special, even though it was small, socially distance and a lot of their friends and families weren’t there in person.”

Jacobs calls these children pioneers.

“They are Jewish kids learning to become a bar mitzvah during a pandemic,” he said. “It’s not easy to have to wear a mask and not be able to hug and celebrate like we normally do, but they are showing us that we can move forward in a very safe way and still be able to celebrate this important milestone.”

Daniel Auerbach, 13, of Plantation, who celebrated a delayed bar mitzvah on Oct. 3 at Ramat Shalom, said, “It made me feel really good [to celebrate his bar mitzvah] because I’ve been working so hard for this for so long.”

Daniel’s mother Robbi Auerbach said, “We were just happy to be able to have the service, allow him to become a bar mitzvah and have our immediate family present.”

Another boy who had his delayed bar mitzvah recently at Ramat Shalom,

Sam Anchell, 13 , describe the most memorable moment from his ceremony.

“The most memorable moment was probably when my dad gave a speech,” Sam said. “That was the first time I’ve actually seen him get really emotional and cry. He said some really nice stuff about me.”

Sam’s mother Janet Salzman said her son’s bar mitzvah was a wonderful experience.

“I felt very fortunate and blessed that we were able to do it, and move forward with the bar mitzvah,” she said.

At Beit David Highland Lakes Shul in Miami, its spiritual leader Rabbi Eliezer Wolf said the synagogue probably has hosted three or four bar and bat mitzvah ceremonies since it reopened its doors, and that it has a few coming up. Wolf said the synagogue has received a warm, positive response from the community regarding these services.

“The community is very grateful that we have very strong policies in place, and we have a task force that is helping us navigate all that,” he said. “Anybody who has been able to join us has been so grateful and supportive. Those who have not been able to join us are in our minds and in our hearts, and sometimes they’re joining us via Zoom. It’s been so special and heart-warming for everybody.”

Rabbi David Degani of Congregati­on Shirat

Shalom in Boca Raton said the synagogue has had two b’nai mitzvah services recently.

“Returning to in-person b’nai mitzvah services after months of online services is a reminder of our Jewish destiny from time immemorial,” Degani said.

“Like an evergreen, we the Jewish people have always come back strong from challenges, even threats to our ceremonial traditions. It is a testimony to our spiritual strength and our resilience as a people in our modern time as it has been all throughout the generation­s.”

 ?? ROBBI AUERBACH ?? Daniel Auerbach, center, with his parents Robbi and Brian Auerbach during his bar mitzvah ceremony at Ramat Shalom Synagogue in Plantation.
ROBBI AUERBACH Daniel Auerbach, center, with his parents Robbi and Brian Auerbach during his bar mitzvah ceremony at Ramat Shalom Synagogue in Plantation.

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