South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)

Can we trust the COVID-19 dashboards?

- Have a question about South Florida schools and COVID-19? Sun Sentinel reporter Lois Solomon will find the answer. Submit your question at SunSentine­ AskLois.

“As a teacher I follow the COVID dashboard for schools near where I teach. I want to understand how Nova Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary in Davie went from three confirmed cases to one. It was even documented in the paper that Nova Eisenhower had three cases. How can we trust the dashboard if numbers seem to change randomly?” — A Broward teacher

The Miami Herald did report on Oct. 13 that there were three cases at Nova Eisenhower, which at the time had the highest number of positive employee cases.

But the school district pointed out to me that the dashboard, which lists every school in the district and how many cases each has, tallies cases reported since Oct. 9, when school buildings reopened. The district says the Nova Eisenhower staffers were infected before Oct. 9 and thus are not among the dashboard cases.

Here’s how the district explained cases at the school:

“From Oct. 1 to Nov. 30, there have been 5 employee positive cases. Breakdown as follows:

„ Prior to the start of face-toface learning ( 10⁄9), there were 3 cases.

Since the start of face-to-face learning ( 10⁄9), there have been 2 additional cases, dated 10⁄24 and


We all have come to depend on the dashboard to understand how COVID-19 is affecting our schools. Checking it every day is not useful, though: The district says it updates the dashboard just twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Can students opt out of camera rule?

“My child has extreme anxiety about being on camera during her classes (she is in high school). Are there any options for her now that Broward schools are making this a requiremen­t? Let me know who I can talk to about this in the school system.” — M.S., Weston

When I first heard about this new policy, it sounded really strict. The School Board decided last month that starting this week, all students learning remotely had to keep their cameras on so their teachers could see them. Otherwise, they would be marked absent.

But it looks like there’s some wiggle room for students with personal issues. The policy says: “Teachers should be flexible and consider any extenuatin­g circumstan­ces of individual students who may be unable to turn on a camera. Teachers may consider other evidence of attendance for individual cases.”

So I would talk to your child’s teachers and principal to see if they’re willing to work with you on this. Although many of us have gotten used to our computer cameras, I can see how it could be tough on vulnerable teens.

Are schools supersprea­der sites?

“I read your reply regarding schools closing after Thanksgivi­ng. According to the newest data presented on CNN: Initial school data was based on places like South Korea with much more compliance and lower infection rates. In Florida, there is no state mask mandate. In addition, schools (especially high schools) are absolutely super spreader sites. Holiday gatherings all over the country will exacerbate the situation. We’ll see the grim results in December and January. Please research the latest informatio­n before making absolute statements like ’schools appear to be relatively safe.’ ”— Terri Cohen, Coconut Creek

Terri Cohen was objecting to a line I wrote in reply to a question about whether schools might close again. I wrote: “Schools appear to be relatively safe and have not become super-spreader sites, thanks to mask mandates and not-crowded classrooms.”

I have to say I stand by that sentence. There have been more than 2,000 school-related COVID-19 cases since South Florida schools reopened this fall, but most of those were contracted off campus and didn’t spread on campus, according to health and school officials in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties.

It’s true that so far, the schools with the most cases in South Florida have been high schools. Studies all over the world are showing higher infection rates from high school classrooms, but these cases likely stem from activities outside school, Dr. David Rubin of the University of Pennsylvan­ia told the New York Times.

“Most of the transmissi­on, when we see it, is occurring in carpools, during travel leagues, maybe in a locker room, or parties and gatherings that people have on the weekend,” he said.

Health experts are predicting a post-Thanksgivi­ng surge of infection, and most likely schools will be affected too, since they mirror what’s going on in the outside world. But children, especially if they’re in elementary school and wearing masks, as they’re required to in South Florida, have not been the ones driving up transmissi­on


Yes, virtual school is an option in January

“As of today (Monday), is it expected that the online schooling option will continue at least till spring break, or any chance of cancelling that starting Jan. 11?” — Javier Fuxman, Pembroke Pines

Such a timely question, because Gov. Ron DeSantis made it official on Monday: The virtual school option is a go for next semester.

Many parents feared the state order allowing online schooling for the current semester would not be renewed in part because DeSantis had said several times he wanted more students learning in school buildings. He’s convinced a traditiona­l classroom is the best academic option and also better for kids’ mental health needs.

But South Florida families have made it clear they want to continue remote learning. In Palm Beach County, 60 percent are choosing to learn from home; in Broward, it’s 83 percent.

DeSantis stuck in a caveat in his Monday announceme­nt. Schools will be required to notify parents if their child is doing poorly in online learning, and those children will be required to start attending school in person unless the parents opt out.

He again made it clear he favors face-to-face instructio­n.

“Virtual learning is just not the same as being in person,” he said.

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