South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)

States grapple with moral dilemma

From Calif. to NJ, officials debate who receives vaccine first

- Associated Press By Gillian Flaccus and Sara Cline

HOOD RIVER, Ore. — As COVID-19 surged, retired attorney Susan Crowley did some simple math and discovered a chilling fact: people over 60 made up 91% of coronaviru­s deaths in Oregon. So the 75-year-old was shocked when the state started vaccinatin­g teachers this week before senior citizens in a push to get children back into classrooms.

“I look at these figures, and I am literally afraid. It’s not just a question of missing beers with my friends. It’s a question of actually being afraid that if I am not careful, I will die,” she said. “The thing that is so upsetting to me is that seniors don’t matter, the elderly don’t matter. And it’s painful to hear that implicatio­n.”

Democratic Gov. Kate Brown has defended her decision, choking up in a recent news conference because she said she “knows of families where 12- and 13-year-olds are attempting suicide” because of social isolation. Meanwhile, her sister, a cancer survivor, is being asked to return to her

Minnesota classroom without a vaccine, Brown said.

“No matter what you do, people aren’t happy,” she said. “The teachers in Minnesota are furious at the governor because they are doing seniors first. And here, the seniors are furious at me because I am doing teachers first. There are no right answers, and there are no easy decisions.”

With a mass vaccinatio­n campaign underway, the U.S. is facing a moral dilemma as officials from California to New Jersey decide who gets the shots first. Everyone from the elderly and those with chronic medical conditions to communitie­s of color and front-line workers are clamoring for the scarce vaccine — and each group has a compelling argument for why they should get priority.

It has local health officials and volunteer advisory committees doing ethical gymnastics the likes of which haven’t been seen since the military’s rationing of a new wonder drug — penicillin — during World War II or the decision to give white men first access to life-saving dialysis machines in the 1960s, when the new technology was in short supply.

Hospitals and medical profession­als make such moral decisions when triaging emergency room patients in a disaster or ranking recipients for organ transplant­s, said Courtney Campbell, an ethics professor at Oregon State University.

But what’s happening now is on such a large scale that ordinary people — not just public health officials — are reckoning with questions of who is most important to society and why, he said.

“We’re being asked to emphasize some of our shared national values. ... We’re being called to treat other persons as equals, and that means equals in the sight of the law, but also moral equals, so that matters of privilege or wealth or socioecono­mic status get leveled out,” he said. “This is a time when we get tested as to whether we’re going to walk the talk.”

While the nationwide priority has been inoculatin­g health care workers and those in nursing homes, the decisions get more difficult deeper into the vaccine rollout. Federal guidance says states should prioritize the elderly, front-line essential workers and those with underlying medical conditions in the next phases, but ultimately it’s up to state and local officials to decide how to distribute the shots.

Complicati­ng matters is the nation’s vaccine distributi­on has been marked by disarray and confusion. States have complained about shortages and inadequate deliveries that have forced them to cancel mass vaccinatio­n events and appointmen­ts.

Originally, Oregon’s governor said teachers and residents over 65 would both be eligible this week but rolled that back because supplies weren’t there. Now, the state’s vaccine advisory committee is wrestling with how to prioritize the next groups.

Oregon is focused on fairness in vaccine access for marginaliz­ed communitie­s. Other states, like New Jersey, raised eyebrows by putting smokers toward the front of the line.

In Mississipp­i, authoritie­s are trying to address disparitie­s that show 70% of the vaccine has gone to white residents by establishi­ng a drive-thru clinic at a stadium in Jackson, a majority Black city.

While Oregon health officials grapple with who will be eligible next, vaccines started Monday for teachers and early childhood educators.

Jennifer Dale, a mother of three from the Portland suburb of Lake Oswego, has organized rallies and written letters in a push to return to in-person learning. But teachers getting priority over seniors made her reevaluate.

“I can support my kids and their education if it means my parents continue to be prioritize­d for a vaccine, because they are much more likely to have negative consequenc­es from COVID than a young healthy teacher,” she said.

Leslie Bienen, a Portland mother of two, also has seen her children struggling with online school. When she heard teachers would be vaccinated before seniors, she was torn.

“It’s so complicate­d. At first, I felt like that is really wrong,” Bienen said. “But if you think of public health as harm reduction, you can’t just think of one thing.”

 ?? GILLIAN FLACCU/AP ?? Susan Crowley, a retired attorney, works on her laptop at home in Hood River, Oregon, with her dog, Millie.
GILLIAN FLACCU/AP Susan Crowley, a retired attorney, works on her laptop at home in Hood River, Oregon, with her dog, Millie.

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