South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)

Any ideas where substitute teachers could be needed?


Have a question about South Florida schools and COVID-19? Sun Sentinel reporter Lois Solomon will find the answer. Email your question to AskLois@ sunsentine­

“I am a substitute teacher. We hear all the time the schools are looking for subs, but I’m having trouble finding a school. Any ideas for me?” — Delray Beach sub

I had been wondering about the substitute teacher situation in this time of COVID-19, so I was glad this question came along. I asked the Broward and Palm Beach school districts how their substitute numbers have been affected by the pandemic, and here’s what they said.

In Palm Beach, only 66% of the slots needed for subs on a random day last week were filled, compared with 85% on the same day last year. That looks like a significan­t drop-off, and shows me that fewer subs are seeking work during these challengin­g times to be in a classroom, in Palm Beach County at least.

Subs are very much needed this year, as teachers often have to quarantine after exposure in their households or their classrooms. In Broward, schools used 1,015 subs on Jan. 21 of this year, more than double the number needed on Jan. 22, 2020; only 458 worked that day.

So get in touch with the principals at the schools you’d like to sub at. You’ll have to get approved by the school district, but I guarantee the schools will be thrilled to have your help.

Subsidized day care

Attention working parents of infants and toddlers! Broward’s Early Learning Coalition just got a large grant and is whittling away at its 3,000-plus waiting list for subsidized day care. There will now be money for more than 2,000 kids to enroll.

You can choose fulltime or part-time, based on the number of hours you’re working or searching for a job. Enrollment is based on income, and there is a parent co-pay. You also have to choose a child care provider who works with the coalition.

The coalition has been calling parents and has reduced the wait list but there’s still money for more kids. They also have spaces for 4- and 5-yearolds in the state’s VPK, or Voluntary Pre-Kindergart­en, programs.

“Enrollment for VPK is extremely low this year due to the pandemic,” said Renee Jaffe, the coalition’s chief executive officer. “Child care providers in the community are taking the health and safety of children very seriously in an effort to keep their doors open and continue to provide a vital service to children who need to learn and parents who need to work or go to school. I would suggest parents call a program they are interested in and ask for a virtual tour.”

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