South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)

First grader tests vaccine while fighting cancer

Girl, 6, feels ‘pretty good’ about being in Moderna’s trial

- By Paul Sisson

Imagine surviving two brain cancer surgeries and more than 30 radiation treatments only to end up getting COVID-19.

It was a very real worry for Shawn and Mariel Mahoney, whose 6-yearold daughter, Layla, received a very difficult diagnosis this summer at a time when no coronaviru­s vaccines have yet been approved for anyone younger than 12.

Selected over the summer to be among 60 local children to participat­e in an ongoing clinical trial of the Moderna vaccine in kids ages 6 to 11, the first grader nearly missed out.

As her father explained, a confirmed cancer diagnosis would have been reason enough for his daughter to have been denied entry into the trial. But, when the first vaccinatio­n appointmen­t arrived on Aug. 20, the diagnosis still had not been confirmed. St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Tennessee had not yet verified an initial diagnosis from Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego.

Doctors went ahead and pushed the plunger on that first shot, only for Shawn Mahoney to receive a call from a St. Jude’s specialist 10 minutes into the ride home. “She was supposed to call me an hour earlier but something delayed her,” Mahoney said. “It was just made to be.”

Layla did not have much reaction to that first dose, and her parents worried that she might have been among the 25% of trial participan­ts assigned saline injections, making her part of the placebo group rather than among the 75% who receive the vaccine.

But a second shot left them celebratin­g a daughter who suddenly became exhausted and started running a fever. Those are the well-known minor side effects, they well knew, of a person’s immune system reacting to a vaccine.

“She was like, ‘it’s really cold in here,’ and I was like ‘yes!’ ” Mahoney said. “Terrible parents, so happy to have our kid have a low-grade fever.”

Knowing that his daughter is likely headed for a round of chemothera­py this winter, and also understand­ing that those drugs are known to weaken the immune system, the good chance that her body will already know how to protect itself from coronaviru­s, he said, provides a precious peace of mind.

The alternativ­e was almost too difficult to consider.

“The thought was, ‘Great, we beat cancer, but COVID killed us because we’re immunocomp­romised, and we’re essentiall­y the same as an 85-year-old unvaccinat­ed person at that point,” Mahoney said.

Dr. Ezra Cohen, a medical oncologist at UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center, agreed. Though the amount of protection that the immune system can provide during chemothera­py treatment is highly variable, the specialist said vaccinatio­n before chemo does give the body a better fighting chance if coronaviru­s does come calling.

For Layla, talking about her latest arts and crafts project or about any sort of animal trumps any discussion of her vaccinatio­n experience so far.

Bright-eyed with a full head of hair despite undergoing two craniotomi­es over the summer, her assessment of coronaviru­s vaccinatio­n comes down to the fact that it involved needles, both for the shot and — especially disappoint­ing — for the six vials of blood that had to be drawn. “The first time, they had to pin me down,” she said solemnly.

Getting to be among the first kids to be vaccinated? That, she said, feels “actually, pretty good.” Needles notwithsta­nding, she would, she said, recommend it to other kids “so they don’t get their germies.”

On Aug. 1, her parents franticall­y took her to Rady. A surgical team removed a large and rare tumor called an anaplastic supratento­rial ependymoma on Aug. 2 then had to go back in at the end of the month when the aggressive growth reappeared on medical imaging.

Now, she is undergoing follow-up proton radiation therapy as a precaution­ary measure to keep the malignancy from returning. Chemo will provide yet another layer of insurance against recurrence.

Few parents will experience the cancer part of Layla’s journey. This kind of tumor is estimated to cause only about 200 cases per year nationwide.

Given that some adults still avoid getting their COVID-19 shots, the coming debate around vaccinatin­g children is sure to be extensive.

Many will no doubt be looking to do their homework, a desire that Shawn Mahoney understand­s all too well, having just gone through that process. The decision to enroll Layla in the Moderna trial, he said, did not come lightly.

Though his gut reaction was no way, the underwater videograph­er and director couldn’t stop himself from delving deeper. He looked first at the results from Moderna’s study of its vaccine in children ages 12 to 17. The methods seemed rigorous and the numbers being tested seemed large.

His focus remained squarely on primary sources, largely the peer-reviewed studies of trial results rather than on websites giving their opinions about what those results mean.

Having medical profession­als in his family, he said, made it relatively easy to make a few calls and get some feedback on how he should interpret what he had read. Most, he said, were jealous of Layla’s opportunit­y.

“The medical community is, you know, a diala-friend kind of thing, and there were probably a dozen medical profession­als that said that they would have absolutely no hesitation putting their kids through it,” he said.

The Mahoneys are happy to discuss vaccinatio­ns, given what their daughter has already been through on the cancer front.

Layla’s tumor, called an ependymoma, was caused by mutations in the cells that line the fluid-filled spaces surroundin­g the brain.

Generally, these tumors quickly impinge upon their surroundin­gs, pushing up against and even infiltrati­ng brain tissue and often blocking the flow of cerebrospi­nal fluid that cushions a person’s gray matter.

Medical imaging showed just such a blockage in Layla’s case, said Dr. Michael Levy the neurosurge­on at Rady Children’s who performed both of her surgeries. The tumor, he said, was large and of a complex shape near areas that control motor function, speech and memory. Removing such an obstacle, he said, is an exercise in aggressive restraint.

“You try to temper what you’re doing based on the benefits and risks of what’s located nearby,” Levy said. “Too high and you’re affecting speech, too low and it’s memory.”

 ?? JARROD VALLIERE/SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE ?? Layla Mahoney, 6, sits with her father, Shawn Mahoney, on Oct. 4 in California.
JARROD VALLIERE/SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE Layla Mahoney, 6, sits with her father, Shawn Mahoney, on Oct. 4 in California.

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