South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)

Israeli police shoot Palestinia­n:


Israeli police shot dead a Palestinia­n after he stabbed and wounded an ultra-Orthodox Jew on Saturday near Damascus Gate just outside Jerusalem’s Old City, a tense and crowded area that is often the scene of demonstrat­ions and clashes.

A widely circulated video shot by a bystander appeared to show an officer from Israel’s paramilita­ry Border Police shooting the attacker when he was already lying on the ground, and another appeared to show police with guns drawn preventing medics from reaching him, prompting calls for an investigat­ion into possible excessive use of force.

The Magen David Adom emergency service said it treated an ultra-Orthodox man in his 20s who was stabbed, saying he was in moderate to severe condition.

Israeli police released surveillan­ce video in which the attacker can be seen stabbing the Jewish man and then trying to stab a Border Police officer before being shot and falling to the ground. Police identified the attacker as a 25-year-old from Salfit, in the occupied West Bank.

“The awareness and quick reactions by the police brought about the neutraliza­tion of the terrorist,” police said in a statement. Large numbers of security forces were deployed to the area, where they briefly clashed with a crowd of young Palestinia­ns before dispersing them with tear gas and stun grenades.

Damascus Gate was the epicenter of protests and clashes between Palestinia­ns and Israeli police last spring, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The unrest spread to other parts of the city, including a nearby holy site sacred to Jews and Muslims, eventually helping to ignite the 11-day Gaza war.

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