South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)


16-year-old meets first mice in the world engineered to have the same genetic abnormalit­y as him in scientists’ search for answers to the puzzle of autism

- Associated Press

pole while others scampered in a bin.

Walking out of the lab, tears welled up in Lisa Litvag’s eyes as she thought about the language within her son’s cells helping other children.

“We’re deeply proud and humbled to be part of this,” said Joe Litvag. “What do we live this life for? It’s ultimately to try to, in one way, shape or form, be of service to others.”

The Litvags realized early on that Jake wasn’t reaching childhood milestones. He couldn’t walk without assistance until he was 4. He struggled to string sentences together in first grade. At first, no one could pin down why. Jake had a mix of different traits. He was hyperactiv­e and impulsive but also social, warm and funny. It took until he was 5 to get a firm diagnosis of autism.

Around that time, the Litvags heard that child psychiatri­st Dr. John Constantin­o, an expert on the genetic underpinni­ngs of autism, was giving a talk at the Saint Louis Science Center. They decided to go in the hopes of meeting him. They did, and he began seeing Jake as a patient. About five years later, Constantin­o proposed genetic testing. It revealed the missing copy of the MYT1L gene believed to cause 1 out of every 10,000 to 50,000 autism cases. Having an extra copy can cause schizophre­nia.

The finding brought the family peace. They’d heard lots of people say autism was mostly caused by external factors, like birth trauma.

“For a long time,” Lisa Litvag said, “I thought it was something that I did.”

Actually, a large multinatio­nal study suggests that up to 80% of the risk for autism can be traced to inherited genes.

“One of the big things it did for us as a family is it made us realize that it’s nothing that we did wrong,” Joe Litvag said. “It’s just that people are born all the time” with genetic difference­s.

When Constantin­o suggested studying the little-understood MYT1L gene, the Litvags enthusiast­ically agreed to help. Constantin­o — who is on the local board of a group they’ve long been active in called Autism Speaks — asked if they’d be interested in raising money for early research. Joe Litvag, an executive in the live music industry, and Lisa Litvag, a partner in a marketing firm, reached out to family and friends and raised the $70,000 needed in about six months.

With half the money, researcher Kristen Kroll and her team reprogramm­ed cells from Jake’s blood into “induced pluripoten­t stem cells,” which can be prodded into becoming various cell types. With the other half, scientist Joseph Dougherty and his team followed the blueprint of Jake’s genome and induced his mutation in mice using the gene-editing tool CRISPR.

Since starting the research about three years ago, scientists have bred around 100 mice with Jake’s mutation and are now using the greatgreat grandchild­ren of the first one they engineered. They recently published about the mice in the journal Neuron.

While scientists can’t go back and see how Jake’s brain developed, Dougherty said, mice allow them to watch the mutation play out through generation­s.

Dougherty and his colleagues hope what they learn about how MYT1L functions ultimately leads to medicines or gene therapies that improve or even correct the problems the mutation causes.

They are sharing their findings with scientists studying other autism-causing genes or trying to figure out how various genes work together to cause the condition.

In cases where autism is caused by a single gene, Dougherty said that gene probably does many things to brain developmen­t. A key to understand­ing autism overall is to find one or two things shared across different forms of autism — which could then be targets for treatment. Though not everyone with autism wants treatment, Dougherty said it could help those who do.

Dougherty first met the Litvags when they were invited by the school to visit in December. After meeting the mice, they stopped into another lab, where Jake peered through a microscope at his blue-stained stem cells.

“That’s me! That’s cool stuff. I never saw anything like that in my life,” he said.

Dougherty used the visit as an opportunit­y to share some news, a gift of sorts that he wanted to tell the family in person.

The missing gene doesn’t seem to shorten life. The mice live 2 to 3 years, the same as their siblings.

“So, a normal life span?” Joe Litvag asked hopefully.

“Yes,” Dougherty answered. “As far as we can tell, identical. I know that’s a big relief, too.”

Joe Litvag turned to his son. “So Jake, maybe you will live to be 100.”

“I will be 112!” Jake replied with a grin.

 ?? ?? Research assistant Katie McCullough holds up a mouse for 16-year-old Jake Litvag to see inside a Washington University laboratory on Dec. 15 in St. Louis.
Research assistant Katie McCullough holds up a mouse for 16-year-old Jake Litvag to see inside a Washington University laboratory on Dec. 15 in St. Louis.

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