South Florida Sun-Sentinel Palm Beach (Sunday)



Aries (March 21-April

19): Just because you can spend money doesn’t mean you should. Even if the price of an outing or get-together doesn’t seem hefty at the outset, it could balloon when you’re least expecting it, so be cautious. Remember, you can have plenty of fun without blowing your budget.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): The temptation to act out is stronger than anyone could usually resist. You can’t help but feel drawn to buck convention and show your worth. It’s more than alright to express yourself, but remember that there’s a difference between being expressive and shocking people.

Gemini (May 21-June 20): Boundaries and barriers are anything but solid on a day like this. It’ll be difficult to see where you’re heading. You can certainly go off and explore the world around you, but keep your wits about you, or else you may go too far. Pay attention to where you’re going.

Cancer (June 21-July 22): You can make all the plans you like, but that doesn’t mean other people will follow them. You could feel inclined to enjoy quiet time. You may not have much of a say in the end, possibly feeling compelled to join in other people’s plans, but there should still be silver linings to be found.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): You may have to put someone on hold, whether they like it or not. You’re probably happy to spend time with the people who matter most. A situation that only you can handle could crash into your life, potentiall­y forcing you to leave at least one person hanging in the process.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Exciting opportunit­ies are often more appealing than reliable basics. The grass may appear greener on the other side, and certainly more exciting, but that probably won’t turn out to be the case. Make sure to use your best judgment before deciding what course of action to pursue.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your idea of fun is turning upside down. Life, however, will turn the most unusual and unexpected option into the most alluring, so if you really want to enjoy yourself, seek out unfamiliar ways of doing so rather than relying on what has worked before. Go!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov.

21): Others can push your buttons quite easily, even if they don’t mean to. If this person means well, try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but you may have a hard time keeping the peace if you suspect that the person in question has less ideal motives. As the saying goes, trust but verify.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): This is a lovely day to bounce around as you please — well, at least until your responsibi­lities arrive. You’re allowed to go hit the town and paint it a vivid red, but you’ll likely need to check off some to-dos before you go do whatever you like. Work hard, play harder.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Even the most discipline­d Capricorn will have trouble avoiding temptation today. If a fun opportunit­y lands in your lap, then it is perfectly fine to pursue it. Still, you’d be wise to double-check the price tag before signing up for anything, no matter how thrilling it sounds.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emotions are bouncing around like a game of pinball. Even if you consider your mind quite placid, you may surprise yourself with the turmoil you feel under these stars. It would be wise to avoid letting yourself get too worked up, or else it could impact other people.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Your desires can manifest in the most unexpected ways right now. Sudden surges of emotion could come from out of the blue, and trying to keep them at bay could be all but impossible. We all have a volcano within us, waiting to explode at any moment. It’s fine to speak from the heart.

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