South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Sunday)

Fried and Thompson push for exoneratio­n of Groveland Four

- News Service Of Florida

Agricultur­e Commission­er Nikki Fried and state Rep. Geraldine Thompson are pushing for exoneratio­n for the Groveland Four, expanding on pardons granted in January by Gov. Ron DeSantis and the state Cabinet in a prominent case from Florida’s Jim Crow era. Fried and Thompson, D-Windermere, plan to hold a news conference Tuesday in the Capitol to call for exoneratio­n of the four now-deceased black men — Ernest Thomas, Samuel Shepherd, Charles Greenlee and Walter Irvin — accused in 1949 of raping a white woman in Lake County.

“Family members of the Groveland Four have waited roughly 70 years for justice in this case and Floridians and others in the country need to see that elected leaders are committed to healing and reconcilia­tion,” Thompson said in a prepared statement. “Exoneratio­n of the Groveland Four will bring us closer to righting the wrong done to these men.”

The pardons granted by DeSantis, Fried, Attorney General Ashley Moody and state Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis essentiall­y forgave the four men for the crime. An exoneratio­n would be an official statement that the four men didn’t do it.

Thomas was killed by a posse in Madison County after the rape accusation. Shepherd, Greenlee and Irvin were beaten to coerce confession­s before they were convicted by an allwhite jury. Greenlee, at 16, was given a life sentence. Shepherd and Irvin, both Army veterans, were sentenced to death.

Shepherd and Irvin were later shot, with Lake County Sheriff Willis McCall saying the two handcuffed men tried to flee while being taken to a new trial that had been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court. Shepherd died. Irvin survived and told the FBI he was shot in cold blood. Then-Gov. Leroy Collins commuted Irvin’s sentence to life in prison. Irvin was paroled in 1968 and died a year later. Greenlee, released from prison in the early 1960s, died in 2012.

The pardons were supported by current Lake County officials.

Norma Padgett Upshaw, who made the rape accusation­s in July 1949, argued against the pardons, telling DeSantis and the Cabinet in January that the Groveland Four were the men involved.

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