South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Sunday)

A lively collection of kinds of stories Florida knows well — thefts, cons, frauds

- By Oline H. Cogdill

This lively collection of superior short stories follows a tradition that publisher Akashic started in 2004: Use the background ofmyriad cities for tales bywell-known and emerging authors. The result, as “Tampa Bay Noir” shows, is an oftenperce­ptive look at the region.

In her introducti­on, Colette Bancroft, the book editor at the Tampa Bay Times, explainswh­y this Florida Gulf Coast region lends itself tomystery fiction. “Ask most people what the Tampa Bay area is famous for, and they might mention sparkling beaches and sleek urban centers and contented retirees strolling the golf courses year-round. But it’s always had a dark side. Just look at its signature event: a giant pirate parade. Not only does Gasparilla honor the buccaneer traditions of theft, debauchery, and violence; its namesake pirate captain, José Gaspar, is a fake who probably never existed,” she writes.

“And if there’s any variety of crime baked into Florida’s history, it’s fraud. Fromthe indigenous residents who supposedly conned Spanish explorers seeking the Fountain of Youth through the rolling cycles of real estate scams that have shaped the Sunshine State for the last century or so, the place is a grifter’s native habitat,” Bancroft adds.

That history informs these stories set in different Tampa neighborho­ods and its environs. Michael Connelly, who grew up in Florida, brings his perennial heroHarry Bosch to Tampa to help an old flame locate amissing painting stolen fromher home in “The Guardian,” the collection’s showpiece.

A conman messes with the wrongwomen inAce Atkins’ “Tall, Dark, and Handsome,” a revenge tale of the highest caliber.

LadeeHubba­rd, whose debut novel received the Ernest J. Gaines Award, shows that loyalty to family never ends with “It’sNot Locked Because It Don’t Lock.”

Two-time Edgar winner Lori Roy’s “Chum in the Water” is akin to a documentar­y about a delusional house flipper. However, Tim Dorsey’s “Triggerfis­h Lane” disappoint­s though it does have his series character Serge A. Storm meting out his own form of retributio­n. Other authors who bring their vision of Tampa include LisaUnger, SterlingWa­tson and even Bancroft herself.

“Tampa BayNoir” shines a light on “the shady stuff people get up to in the sunshine,” writes Bancroft.

OlineH. Cogdill can be reached at

Zoom with the authors

Authors Tim Dorsey, Lori Roy and Colettte Bancroft will discuss the short story collection “Tampa BayNoir” beginning at 4 p.m. Nov. 8 via Crowdcast, sponsored by Books& Books in Coral Gables. Visit booksandbo­ for free registrati­on. Michael Connelly will be among the authors who will discuss “Tampa BayNoir” as part of the virtual Miami Book Fair. This panel will be posted onNov. 22, allowing readers to create their own book fair schedules. Free registrati­on for the Miami Book Fair will be available beginningN­ov. 15. Visit miamibookf­ for registrati­on and more informatio­n.

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