South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Sunday)

Senate adds hurdle to Biden plans, OKs Trump FCC pick

- ByMarcyGor­don

WASHINGTON — The Senate has narrowly approvedPr­esidentDon­ald Trump’s lame-duck nominee to become amember of the Federal Communicat­ions Commission, setting up the agency for a stretch of partisan gridlock likely to stymie President-elect Joe Biden’s policies.

The vote Tuesday was

49-46 along party lines to confirm Nathan Simington as one of five commission­ersofthein­dependentr­egulatory agency.

Simingtoni­snowa senior adviser at the Commerce Department agency that advises the president on telecommun­ications and informatio­n policy. He played a role in the plan by the Republican-majority FCC, announcedb­efore last month’s election, to reexamine the legal protection­s enjoyed by social media companies like Facebook and Twitter for content that people post on their platforms.

The FCC plan came in response to Trump’s executive order in May challengin­g the long- held protection­s for socialmedi­a companies from liability, which have served as the foundation for unfettered speech on the internet.

“Mr. Simington’s key qualificat­ion seems to be that he supports President Trump’s desired changes to Section 230, a law that regulates internet speech,” Senate Democratic Leader ChuckSchum­erD-N.Y., said on the floor before the vote.

The shield from liability for social media companies has been grounded in Section 230 of a landmark

1996 telecommun­ications law

Trump and Republican lawmakers have persistent­ly accused the social media companies, without evidence, of suppressin­g conservati­ve

viewpoints, and Trump portrayed his executive order as a remedy for bias.

Democratic lawmakers, and Biden, also have supported limiting the liability protection­s of online platforms. But they believe it’s solely up to Congress, not the FCC, to make changes.

Consumerad­vocate organizati­ons have opposed Simington’s confirmati­on, saying his joining the FCC brings deadlock that will block actions to foster the online access critically needed by consumers, workers and students during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Speaking against Simington’s confirmati­on, Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticu­t said some 16 million students nationwide are effectivel­y locked out of classrooms because they lack access to the internet.

He called Simington “unprepared and unqualifie­d” for theFCCposi­tion.

But FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, a Trump appointee, noted that Simington was raised in a ruralcommu­nity and said in a statement his confirmati­on “ensures that this important perspectiv­e will continue to be represente­d on the commission for years to come as the FCC continues its work on bridging the digital divide.”

Pai is stepping downJan. 20 when Biden is inaugurate­d.

Wi t h Simington confirmedt­o thefive-member FCC, there will then be a 2-2 split between Democratic and Republican commission­ers. That likely will stymie Biden’s agenda until he’s able to get a fifth, Democratic FCC memberconf­irmed, withan extended delay possible if theRepubli­cans continue to control the Senate after the two Georgia Senate runoff elections Jan. 5.

Democratsw­ant theFCC to restore Obama-era net neutrality rules, revoked under Pai’s tenure, which barred internet service providers like Comcast and AT&T from favoring some types of online traffic over others. An FCC under Democratic control also likely would focus on narrowingt­hedigitald­ivide, by getting internet services to people who don’t have access because the services aren’t available or they can’t afford them.

Under the current FCC regimen, schools can use federal pandemic relief funds tobuyWi-Fi hot spots andcompute­rs for students to use at home, but they aren’t allowed to dip into anFCCpot ofmoney.

Before joining the government, Simington was an executive at Brightstar Corp., awireless distributi­on company based in Miami. He also hasworked in private lawpractic­e.

When he nominated Simington in September, Trumpcited­his experience with broadband and security for 5G, the next-generation wireless standardth­at promises faster speeds.

During Pai’s tenure, the FCC worked to free up spectrum for cellphone companies to enable them to rollout5G. It also cracked down on Chinese telecom companies deemed as threats to U.S. national security.

 ?? AP2017 ?? Nathan Simington will join the Federal Communicat­ions Commission. Above, the FCCseal.
AP2017 Nathan Simington will join the Federal Communicat­ions Commission. Above, the FCCseal.

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