South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Sunday)

Speculatio­n addiction

If there’s been a theme to the technology industry’s plans to reform education, it’s that every child should learn to code. This is supposed to allow children to better adapt to a world where computers are omnipresen­t.

- Terry Savage The Savage Truth Terry Savage is a registered investment adviser and the author of four bestsellin­g books, including “The Savage Truth on Money.” Terry responds to questions on her blog at TerrySavag­

Who ever dreamed that Roblox and Fortnite would be the “gateway drugs” to stock speculatio­n? But it’s hardly a surprise that a generation that grew up on video games — honing their quick decision-making skills and even paying real money to purchase “extras” — would suddenly turn to “playing” in the stock market.

No amount of rational thought or pleas for sensible perspectiv­e will deter this new fascinatio­n. Or shall we call it an addiction? And just as for those addicted to drugs, alcohol and gambling, there should be a “speculatio­n anon” group giving support to those who have to deal with the very real financial consequenc­es of this new mania.

It’s not the idea of speculatio­n that’s alarming. In fact, speculatio­n plays an integral part in the financial marketplac­e. Speculator­s assume risk, provide liquidity and frequently oppose the “common wisdom” successful­ly.

But there’s a big difference between intelligen­t speculatio­n and outright gambling. That difference is the probabilit­y of loss.

This column was triggered by an email I received this week. “My grandson wants to take out all his Apple stock and put it into Robinhood. We do not agree. What do you think?” That’s all the informatio­n they gave.

I never give specific stock advice, so I responded with a measured suggestion that they might want to give him a bit more money and designate it for speculatio­n in other stocks, while he maintains his Apple position. I assumed the grandson was young and caught up in the headlines of the Robinhood mania.

A few hours later, I received another email headlined, “I am the grandson!” Obviously my advice had been speedily passed on. The grandson gave me more background.

“Currently I have 280 shares of Apple that I’ve done well on. I understand that the market is getting a bit more volatile [sic] and I’m comfortabl­e with my returns so far. I’m thinking about selling off my shares (which are currently in Robinhood) until the market drops. Then I’ll rebuy at a lower price. Apple has already released their flagship products, and I believe Apple only has so much upside in the current market. I’ve been holding this Apple stock for 10+ years.”

The first thing I know about giving advice is that people who have made up their mind are not often willing to change. So I responded carefully.

My first point was to remind him that his trading strategy requires being right three times: when to get out, when to get back in again, and then when to sell once more. The probabilit­ies of him making all three correct timing choices pale in comparison to simply enjoying this long-term winning position.

Second, I reminded him that he would owe capital gains taxes when he sells. So at least 20% of his gain (and perhaps more if the tax law changes) would go to the government.

Thus, he would have less money to trade with, and each trade would face its own set of tax consequenc­es.

And third, I knew he would be tempted to get into whatever is making headlines. Whether it would be a crowd-generated short squeeze like GameStop or a new “fad” like cannabis stocks, all of those plays are generated by a kernel of attractive truth. And they end with the expensive bursting of a bubble fueled by greed.

Would he be one of the smart or lucky winners in this game? The odds are not favorable.

Instead, I suggested we have a contest. He would sell half of his Apple stock, paying the taxes out of his proceeds. Then go ahead and trade for a year. I would take the side of his remaining Apple position. Let’s see what happens a year from now.

But I’m sorry, Grandma, everyone must learn the big lessons the hard way. It’s an old Savage Truth: The lessons that cost the most teach the most. I doubt he will take your advice or mine. But we will both be able to say “I told you so.” And that’s The Savage Truth.

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The basic coding skills taught in K-12 bears no resemblanc­e to how profession­al programmer­s produce code. The “teach kids to code” movement therefore justifies such instructio­n because it supposedly improves math and language skills. According to a December 2020 study conducted at MIT, which found that: “Understand­ing computer code seems to be its own thing. It’s not the same as language, and it’s not the same as math and logic.”

So what instead?

By contrast, what actually does increase other skills and brain power is teaching kids to play a musical instrument, according to a January 2021 study conducted at the University of Zrich and published in The Journal of Neuroscien­ce.

What’s going on in there?

• Musician’s brains were vastly more structural­ly and functional­ly connected than non-musicians.

• The musical group also showed stronger connection­s from the auditory cortices to other brain areas in cortexes known to be involved in the control of higher cognitive functions like memory, working memory and executive functions.

• This increase in brain power and functional­ity remains even if the child does not continue to play the instrument.

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