South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Sunday)

GOP pols rail against ‘wokeness’ of ‘leftist mob’


Beware the insomniacs. The unsleeping will loot cities, sabotage elections, pervert girls’ sports, defund police, ban guns, cancel Dr. Seuss, kick Republican­s off social media, open the border and — this just in — denigrate the British royal family.

Republican political leaders hardly can utter a talking point nowadays without invoking the iniquitous motives of restless connivers. Almost as one, GOP operatives condemn “the woke” and all their attendant wokeness.

“If you keep threatenin­g the public with your woke psychobabb­le, the NCAA will not last much longer,” Florida Sen. Rick Scott tweeted last week, as his party tried to gin up outrage over the NCAA’s refusal to ban transgende­r athletes from women’s sports. (The latest cultural issue the GOP’s political consultant­s hope will pique the tender sensibilit­ies of a treasured constituen­cy: angry, decidedly unwoke white guys in pickup trucks.)

Six days later, Scott was back at it, raging against Delta Airlines and Coca-Cola (along with executives from more than 100 other American companies) who dared criticize Georgia legislatio­n apt to suppress Black voter turnout. “These companies are trying to do one-upmanship about how woke they can be,” he said on Fox News. Scott complained they had capitulate­d to “this woke crowd,” which he defined as a “leftist mob.”

Meanwhile, Sen. Marco Rubio was conjuring his own woke outrage, remarkably similar to Scott’s woke outrage, disparagin­g Major League Baseball “for the woke corporate virtue signaling of moving the All-Star Game from Atlanta.” (MLB was also reacting to Georgia’s election meddling.)

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, completing Florida’s anti-woke trinity, warned that corporate bosses, “by trying to genuflect to this wokeness” were “going to tie themselves in knots trying to please the extreme left.”

Merriam-Webster defines “Woke” (a millennial slang term expropriat­ed from the lyrics — “I stay woke” — of a 2008 Erykah Badu song) as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice.)” Last year, hoping to exploit resentment among Trumpsters over the Black Lives Matter movement, Republican­s performed a linguistic retrofit, turning woke into their new favorite pejorative, a short hand for clunkier terms like “identity politics” or “political correctnes­s” or “gender identity” or “critical race theory” and other jargon they ascribe to overzealou­s leftie dogmatism. Probably, “woke” elicited more frothing-at-the-mouth anger among Republican focus groups. Also, it’s easier to spell. (The wokeness phenomenon transcends national boundaries. In Britain, the Sun tabloid newspaper disparaged defecting royals Harry and Meghan as “the oppressive King and Queen of Woke”.)

Still, it’s slightly weird how a word outside the Republican lexicon a few years ago has suddenly become a ubiquitous utterance among pols competing for the approval of Trump voters, most of whom are still seething over the results of the 2020 election. When corporate leaders express their disgust over the Republican Party’s refusal to acknowledg­e certified election results, by the Jan. 6 capitol insurrecti­on and by Republican-sponsored voter suppressio­n legislatio­n, their collective disapprova­l is dismissed as so much “woke capitalism.” Though “cancel culture” (another millennial term appropriat­ed by right wingers) may rival “woke” as a favorite culture war-mongering buzz word. Rick Scott, as if Trump had won the election, warned Republican donors, “If they can cancel the President of the United States, they will have no problem canceling you and me.”

Even better to cobble together “woke” and “cancel culture” in the same rant. Especially in all-caps. After the dust-up over the new Georgia voting law, Donald Trump himself issued a statement: “For years the Radical Left Democrats have played dirty by boycotting products when anything from that company is done or stated in any way that offends them. Now they are going big time with WOKE CANCEL CULTURE and our sacred elections.”

Of course, lefties sling around their own weary cliches and catchphras­es, stretching the definition­s of fascism, Nazis, sexism or homophobia to include just about any conservati­ve principle and discoverin­g unintended trigger words or hidden bigotry or sexual intimidati­on in innocuous pronouncem­ents. Their fragile sensitivit­ies lend a certain truthiness to the “snowflake” taunts from rightwing pundits. The left’s ill-considered rallying cry last summer, “defund the police,” probably cost the Democrats seats in both the U.S. House and Senate.

Sloganeeri­ng mostly just warps reality. Whether we’re woke or unwoke, transgende­r kids still aren’t displacing women athletes. No serious politician would consider defunding police department­s. This multistate campaign to restrict voting isn’t democratic. And Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, shorn of their honorifics, won’t warp the gender identity of precious American children.

Just wake me up when this is over.

 ??  ?? Fred Grimm
Fred Grimm

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