South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Sunday)

Broward blamed, shamed victim in dog attack case


Broward County Animal Care had its day in court — and lost.

The agency was ordered to pay $132,000 in damages to Ariel Sackett, who was attacked by a dog she had just brought home from the county-run shelter to her Fort Lauderdale townhouse. The court said Broward County “breached its duty to warn (or) disclose by failing to make clear” to any possible adopter that this dog might have potential for aggression, based on shelter notes.

This case was not about money — it was about accountabi­lity. The plaintiff wanted Broward Animal Care to acknowledg­e its failures and agree to safeguards to protect the public if this happened again. But instead of doing what is best for public safety, Broward County blamed the victim, stating that her injuries were due to her own negligence. Seriously? How can the plaintiff be negligent when the shelter never disclosed the dog’s previously reported signs of aggression?

The county then blames the breed, because don’t we know that all pit bull-type dogs are aggressive? Seriously?

Broward, know the law: The state of Florida overturned breed-specific bans and prohibits discrimina­tion based on breeds. Not all pit bull-type dogs are aggressive. When we hear so much about being inclusive and being accepting of others and not to tolerate discrimina­tion, it is indefensib­le that Broward County took the low road, blaming the victim for negligence and stereotypi­ng the dog based on its breed.

Broward, stop blaming and shaming the victim and the breed — and look inward. Meredith Bruder, Delray Beach

The writer is founder and a board member of Pets’ Broward.

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