Southern Maryland News

Federal policies aren’t the answer to ‘gender pay gap’


The opinion of the editor in the April 15 edition of the Maryland Independen­t [“Equal Pay Day underscore­s chronic gap”] was that there is a chronic pay gap between the sexes. The editor suggested the solution is national policies “... like wage subsidies, early-childhood education and safe and affordable day care to help strengthen households in general.” National policies, of course, mean more federal interventi­on in the lives of people.

It is a false assumption and, indeed, a major mistake to think government can solve all the problems of society by passing more legislatio­n. The Great Society initiated by President Lyndon B. Johnson has been a miserable failure, even though hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent. We have today a higher percentage of people on the government dole than ever before in U.S. history.

I suggest the responsibi­lity for much of society’s dependence on government assistance can be attributed to policies enacted by liberal legislator­s. They want a portion of the voting public to remain beholden to the government. And they are increasing this dependence by allowing the unchecked entrance of illegal immigrants into the U.S.

There are many societal problems; however, government is not the solution. Gloria Hawkins, in a recent letter to the editor, identified the problem in one word: “ignorance” [“Ignorance is destroying America,” March 25, The Calvert Recorder]. People are ignorant about so many fundamenta­lly important things. When it comes to our nation, ignorance about our nation’s founding, our Founding Fathers, our Constituti­on, our political process, what each political party stands for, etc., jeopardize­s our very existence.

There is no excuse to be uninformed in our society, where resources are available to everyone to research and identify the truth on any issue. In fact, it is our responsibi­lity and duty as citizens to be cognizant of truth. It has been rightly said, “The truth shall set you free.”

Our nation was not establishe­d by government. It was not built by legislatio­n. It was built on freedom by moral and religious people working hard day after day to achieve their dreams. Government can legislate, but legislatio­n cannot bring about the fulfillmen­t of dreams. There are things in this life that people must do for themselves.

History is a wonderful subject, and it provides invaluable lessons for those who take the time to study and learn from it. History teaches us that socialism and communism both fail to bring economic and social equality to the masses. Instead, they enslave the common people to a ruling class. Our nation is not perfect, but it gives everyone the freedom and opportunit­y to achieve.

Finally, to address the chronic pay gap between the sexes — I believe it is a myth. It is also difficult, if not impossible, for some people to acknowledg­e and admit that we are male and female and will never be equal.

It is far better to educate one’s self to the truth by diligent research before making judgments and decisions. Remove the ignorance and uncover the truth behind this great nation we live in. Ignorance of the truth will almost always produce the wrong result.

Donald E. Strawser, Huntingtow­n

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