Southern Maryland News

Cobb Island also has fireworks to enjoy


In reference to the article in Maryland Independen­t July 1, edition. “Where to find fireworks and fun this July 4th,” by Andrew Richardson, four county fireworks display locations were listed in the article but they did not include Cobb Island, which definitely has the fireworks and fun.

Whereas the four locations listed only have fireworks on July 4, Cobb Island has displays every year starting on or about July 1 or 2 and continuing through July 4 or 5.

These displays include the very loud and colorful Roman candles, bottle rockets, sky rockets, helicopter-type rockets, and fireworks shot from mortar tubes. They usually start after 6 p.m. and continue until almost midnight (duration varies each night) which gives you time to visit some of the numerous restaurant­s and pubs for dinner and drinks, or just enjoy the water view. These fireworks are discharged from many different houses, boats and piers so that you have a choice of viewing locations. Or, you can bring your own fireworks and find an acceptable location in the area from which to discharge them. One advantage of these individual displays is that you can personally get close to them, either walking or driving, whereas you can’t at the other four locations. You can also bring your own fireworks and find a suitable location in the area from which to have your own display.

However, as with all other county fireworks displays, including the ones at Cobb Island, you will need a permit from the Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal, which costs $50; an operator’s license (three year permit) which costs $150; and liability insurance ( firemarsha­l). So it would be cheaper to just enjoy the other displays and not have to buy your own permits. (Note: In addition to the July 4 displays at Cobb Island, there are others occurring in the same area on Memorial Day weekend and New Year’s Eve, which you can also attend.)

Judy Caswell, Cobb Island

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