Southern Maryland News

Being truly pro-life

- Titus Muniz, Marbury

Recently, the pro-life movement held the March for Life on the National Mall. The resurgence of the pro-life movement in the United States has many hopeful for a great reduction in abortions in America. However, this is only the beginning. Christians who are pro-life must also extend their love of life to those who are already alive. Many times people reflect more of a pro-birth viewpoint than a consistent pro-life stance.

Christians should be leading the charge in taking care of those less fortunate among us. The Bible clearly states that we should help immigrants and refugees. In the Old Testament, the Jewish people were supposed to help the aliens in their land. Christ’s birth family were refugees in Egypt because they were fleeing Herod. Christ made it very clear in his teaching that part of serving him was helping the poor when he stated, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

Christians need to do more than say no to abortions. We must actively be helping those among us who are suffering and needy. We must not fall into the trap of replacing our faith with a form of patriotism that puts our own wants and desires above of God’s clear commands. We must be spreading the love of God to all of God’s people instead of insulating ourselves from those who we do not consider worthy of our love.

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