Southern Maryland News

Wake up, America


Diane Feinstein, Senate Intelligen­ce Committee and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, on May 6 said there is no evidence of collusion between President Trump and Russia. So, why does the media, like The New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, etc., claim they have “sources” to the contrary, but we never hear who these sources are? They beat this “get Trump” drum all day, every day in hopes of convincing the American people/voters to finally believe it in order to help the liberal Democrats block the president from accomplish­ing his goals to improve the economy and keep us safe.

Maxine Waters, poster child for liberal bias and prejudice, promised on inaugurati­on day, “We are going to impeach Trump.” On the same day, Senator Chuck Schumer, minority leader of the Senate declared, “It’s my job to block President Trump on every issue.”

Why do they do this? Do they really care so little for America and the American people that they are willing to block everything?

These are just two examples, plus the media bias, why President Trump was elected. The left liberal Democrats have learned that if you tell the American people it is raining when it is really them peeing on your shoes enough times the people will start to believe it.

Where was the special investigat­ion of Bill Clinton’s secret meeting with Attorney General Loretta L ynch during inquiries about Hillary? Where was the outcry when Obama was caught unaware on a live microphone telling the Russians, “Ask me when the election is over. I’ll see what I can do for you.” There is a long list of illegal and subversive actions by Obama and Hillary that should have been investigat­ed and prosecuted, including the Iran nuclear deal and Hillary giving Russia a large amount of our uranium.

On Aug. 6, 2011, a helicopter was shot down over Afghanista­n killing several of the Seal Team 6 members, after Obama publicly identified Seal Team 6 as the team that got Osama bin Laden. To me that is treason.

There are so many more examples that can be listed, but I hope you get the idea.

Wake up, America — do not believe all that the far left liberals are throwing out there. Their goal is not to help you but to stop our president. N.W. Craun, Owings

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