Southern Maryland News

There’s a lot of confusion, contradict­ions going on


I have been listening to today’s news for most of the afternoon and have been totally impressed by the wild gyrations of our Republican governance.

Our vice president, Mike Pence, has notified the Republican National Committee that he is ready, willing and able to assume the presidency if they get rid of President Trump. According to Pence’s wife, Trump is a reprehensi­ble person. Then, Mr. Trump says the vice president and his wife are “countr y bumpkins.”

Besides, Mr. Trump is busy. He has advised an independen­t country, Israel, that he is going to move the U.S. embassy from what he calls the “false capital” of Tel Aviv to the true capital of Israel, Jerusalem. While that is going on, Mr. Trump has decided to modify some of the natural national parks designated by President Obama so they can be used to establish some more coal mines, the worst fossil fuel available. This drilling may also include Arctic areas for looking for oil.

Mr. Trump has a few other problems also. He has at least two lawyers presenting different views on how he got elected — and how the Russians may have influenced the outcome. Part of the problem is that Mr. Trump agrees with both contradict­ory lawyers.

I spent most of the afternoon listening to what was called “the worst tax bill ever written,” and that he’s got to endorse and fund a probable child molester in the Alabama Senate race because he is a Republican.

Hard to believe the confusion and contradict­ions going on. Back a few years, we had an expression during World War II that seems most appropriat­e now: SNAFU. That means: “situation normal, all fouled up.”

William C. Watts, Leonardtow­n

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