Southern Maryland News

Thank mothers on Father’s Day


On Father’s Day, we honor and thank those men who have committed themselves to the awesome and often difficult job of raising good, righteous children, especially in these sinful times. But we should recognize that being a father in the United States is not a right that a man can demand, but is a decision left totally to the pregnant woman.

On Jan. 22, 1973, the Supreme Court issued two decisions that gave each pregnant woman the exclusive authority to decide whether the child in her womb lives or dies. She does not even need the knowledge or consent of the unborn child’s father. A man may have gotten a woman pregnant and she may be “carrying his child,” but it is her decision alone as to whether or not the pregnancy is continued or terminated by abortion.

With the exception of children born to women who didn’t have access to an abortion, everyone born in the U. S. after that date is a result of a pro-life decision by the mother. Any man who has children born after that date and is proud of being a father should thank the mother(s) for giving him that opportunit­y. Likewise, anyone born after that date should thank his or her mother for being pro-life, choosing to continue the pregnancy, and eventually giving them life.

Some men measure and brag about their masculinit­y based on the number of children they have fathered. Those men can’t be so cocky anymore, because with the Supreme Court abortion decisions, they can only have the children women allowed them to have.

Robert Boudreaux, Waldorf

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