Southern Maryland News

Learn about the dark side of Planned Parenthood


Abby Johnson, the guest speaker at The Catherine Foundation’s 35th Anniversar­y Gala on Oct. 6 at the Waldorf Jaycees, gave a heartfelt talk about an issue that she knows from both sides — abortion. Johnson interspers­ed her talk with self-deprecatin­g humor and had attendees both cr ying and laughing. Johnson is a riveting speaker, and she knows from whence she speaks.

Johnson relates her experience­s with the abortion industry in her best-selling memoir “Unplanned” and its follow up, “The Walls are Talking.” Johnson was in her junior year at Texas A&M, when a persuasive Planned Parenthood representa­tive at a career fair appealed to Johnson’s desire to combine her leadership skills with her compassion.

Johnson signed on and rose to a Planned Parenthood clinic director. At a lavish banquet in 2009, Planned Parenthood honored Johnson with Employee of the Year Award. Johnson was proud to sit next to Hillary Clinton who received the Margaret Sanger Award.

Sanger was a eugenics founder and devotee who sought the “… exterminat­ion of the Negro Race.” She pushed birth control, as reported in LifeNews “… as the best way to get minorities and the handicappe­d, whom she detested, to voluntaril­y stop breeding.” Besides Clinton, another admirer of Sanger was Adolf Hitler who put into practice Sanger’s ideas of ridding the world of those deemed undesirabl­e.

The longer Johnson worked for Planned Parenthood, the more she harbored doubts about the organizati­on. Then one day, she participat­ed in an ultrasound guided abortion. Johnson said that as the probe drew near the baby, he backed away and flailed his tiny arms and legs. He twisted and turned, “but there was nowhere for him to go.” The abortionis­t then said, “Beam me up, Scottie,” and the baby was sucked out of his mother’s womb piece by piece.

Johnson could no longer deny that abortion is the murder of innocents. She came to terms with the fact that Planned Parenthood’s messaging is based on lies.

One of the biggest falsehoods is that Planned Parenthood exists to help women. In truth, Planned Parenthood’s overarchin­g goal is to make money. The more babies they murder, the more money is added to their coffers. Planned Parenthood encourages abortions and gives rewards for meeting quotas. Another lie is that legal abortions are safe. Aside from the moral depravity of killing a baby, the procedure is risky and dangerous to the mother no matter where it’s done or by whom. While abortion advocates tout the private relationsh­ip between a woman and her doctor, Johnson said there is no interactio­n between a woman and an abortionis­t. The lack of conversati­on is deliberate, because if women were informed, they would change their minds about aborting their children.

Johnson broke ranks with Planned Parenthood and joined her former opponents, the pro-life believers who warmly welcomed her. Thinking about how she had led women to discard their unborn babies “like trash,” Johnson said, “I fell to my knees and wept.”

Speaking at the Catherine Foundation Gala, Johnson posed the question, “If a clinic down the street were euthanizin­g toddlers, age 3 and under,” wouldn’t you be protesting? Yet a Planned Parenthood facility is located in Waldorf, and where are the protesters?

Urging attendees to become involved in the pro-life cause, Johnson also asked attendees to give “sacrificia­lly” to the Catherine Foundation. Their goal was to reach $100,000.

A dramatic feature film based on Johnson’s book “Unplanned” is scheduled for release March 22, 2019. In the meantime, viewers can learn more about abortion by watching the film, “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” which opened in theaters Oct. 12.

Bernadette Smith, Welcome

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