Southern Maryland News

Support those who support the current president


It is time to choose between independen­ce and opportunit­y versus political and economic slavery.

The results of this year’s mid-term elections will go a long way in determinin­g the future of our country and what kind of government we will live under. The choice is between a social democracy managed by the elite ruling class, the Republican Party controlled and run by elected officials beholden to big business and PAC lobbyists, and conservati­ves and independen­ts, supporters of President Trump’s agenda working to restore America to the people with a true representa­tive republic anchored to the Constituti­on and elections.

At this time, it is difficult to distinguis­h between “Democrats” and “social democrats,” since both stand rigidly opposed to President Trump. Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, et al, seem to believe that hatred, disruption, violence and protests are the way to react when you lose an election. Impeachmen­t resolves the problem. That amounts to civil war under which the results of the election are to be rejected if their candidate doesn’t win.

In addition, the social democrats believe in government control of everything through regulation. The government knows what is best for you and will impose it on you. If the Democrats win the House and the Senate this mid-term, they promised to impeach President Trump and change the country radically. In the future you will still vote for your representa­tives, as they do in Russia, China and Cuba, for example.

The current Republican leadership, and many others in the party, prefer the current style of government in which their fat cat business lobbyists run the country. Actually, that is simply a different form of socialism, but they do recognize the Constituti­on as a ruling document. You think you are voting for candidates you want but actually you can only effectivel­y vote for the candidates the big money supports and places on the ballot. The elected officials are only figurehead­s to make you think you have an influence.

Conservati­ves are the true President Trump supporters. They believe the Constituti­on should be the law of the land, that results of the election should be accepted and the winner be allowed to govern. They believe that separation of powers works best when each branch of government does only its assigned duties and that there should be a single justice system, not the two-tiered system that has evolved under the previous administra­tion.

Voting for Democrat or socialist candidates means you accept the elite ruling class controllin­g your life and civil war as the way of determinin­g who has power. Voting for Republican candidates means you accept the country being run by big money and big business with the Constituti­on as the law of the land and biased elections as the way of determinin­g who has power. Voting for conservati­ve Republican or independen­t candidates means you believe in restoring power to the people, the Constituti­on as the law of the land and a one-tiered judicial system.

If you value your freedoms and want to pass them onto future generation­s, and if you want to give your children and grandchild­ren the opportunit­y for a better standard of living, your only choice is to vote for candidates who support President Trump’s agenda. Vote with the future in mind.

Fred Mumma, Lusby

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