Southern Maryland News

Forbes: ‘The Storm Unseen’

- Q. How long have you been writing, and how did you get started? Q. What inspires you to write? Q. Do you consider writing to be a career? Q. What kind of writing process do you use? Q. How did you publish your book? Q. Who are some of your favorite autho

Author Lillian M. Forbes of Waldorf describes her “The Storm Unseen” as a triumphant journey through 12 long years of intense physical suffering with Lupus, which resulted in overwhelmi­ng mental anguish that caused her to once consider suicide. Her belief in God kept her going and inspired her to tell her tale to others suffering chronic illnesses.

The book can be found on xulonpress. com and

This is my first book, I started writing this book through my battle with my illness of Lupus.

The struggle and storm of my illness moved me to write this book, praying that it would encourage and bless others who are going through a chronic illness.

No, I was inspired by the Lord to share this testimony through this book.

I would write down each hurdle I had to climb over the years with this disease and I would put it on paper, then the Lord guided me to put it into book form.

I did research to find a Christian-based book company, and I was blessed to have found Xulon Press to edit and publish my book.

Two of my favorite authors are Dr. Myles Munroe, and Henry T. and Richard Blackaby.

Currently I am not working on a new book; I am promoting “The Storm Unseen” that has recently been released.

I believe in the power of prayer. I am a certified lay minister in the United Methodist Church, and I am a volunteer chaplain at University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Center in La Plata. I have been happily married for 35 years.

“After my battle with Lupus for 12 years, I needed a kidney transplant and God sent my nephew (Boo Hall) to give the ultimate gift of a new life in me by giving me his kidney. God’s mercies are new every morning and through this suffering with Lupus it emerged a closer walk and relationsh­ip with God. And by God’s grace and mercy I have been healed.”

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