Southern Maryland News

Politics can be dangerous to our well-being


It seems like politics has invaded most all parts of our lives. I used to watch football on TV until politics became part of the game. There was kneeling during the national anthem. There are slogans on the back of the helmets that depict things that have nothing to do with football. The shirts worn by basketball players have sayings that have nothing to do with basketball.

Politics has entered into the economy. We give people more money to stay home than they would make on the job. Many businesses are having trouble finding workers. The whole supply chain is backed up because we can’t get enough workers. Prices of everything are higher because the present administra­tion chose to shut down the XL pipeline and to stop drilling on federal land causing the price of fuel to rise which causes the delivery system to charge more which raises the prices of everything.

Politics has affected our military. If military men and women don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine, they can be discharged. The same goes for all companies that have over 100 employees. And politics is straining the medical field. If employees don’t get the jab they can be fired. Politics has entered the news media, too. The news media puts out so many political opinions and puts spin on so many stories that you don’t know what to believe.

One of the main things that politics is corrupting is our schools. We should just teach what we have always taught — reading, writing and arithmetic.

What is government supposed to provide for its citizens? Our government should keep order, and provide laws and courts. It should see to it that we have schools and libraries. It should ensure that we have security from foreign and domestic terrorists.

It should not become involved with things that don’t concern it. As we are seeing, politics can be dangerous to the well being of our country.

Bill Bartlett, Valley Lee

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