Sports Illustrated Kids

Show Me The Money

Alabama defensive back Kool-Aid McKinstry signed an obvious endorsemen­t deal for a drink mix. Do you know which products these athletes pitched?


(Required by Act of August 12, 1970: Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code). 1. SPORTS ILLUSTRATE­D KIDS. 2. (ISSN: 0000-3554). 3. Filing date: 10/01/2021. 4. Issue frequency: Bi-Monthly. 5. Number of issues published annually: 6. 6. The annual subscripti­on price is $31.95. 7. Complete mailing address of known office of publicatio­n: 225 Liberty St, New York, NY 10017. 8. Complete mailing address of headquarte­rs or general business office of publisher: 225 Liberty St, New York, NY 10017. 9. Full names and complete mailing addresses of publisher, editor, and managing editor. Publisher, Danny Lee, 225 Liberty St, New York, NY 10017; Editor, Mark Bechtel, 225 Liberty St, New York, NY 10017; Managing Editor, Stephen Cannella (Co-Editor in Chief), 225 Liberty St, New York, NY 10017. 10. Owner: ABG-SI LLC; 1411 Broadway, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018, . 11. 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