Springfield News-Leader

Missouri needs to defend pro-life laws with a pro-life governor

- Your Turn Tanya Willmeth Guest columnist

Missouri has become a hot spot for out-ofstate abortion activists who are pushing to erase Missouri’s strong pro-life laws. Currently in Missouri, laws are in place to protect the health and safety of the woman and the life of the baby. This initiative could change our state’s constituti­on to allow abortion up to the birthdate of the baby.

At this moment, pledge-gatherers are working to get enough signatures to place this heartless question on our ballot. Out-of-state abortion interests have until early May to collect the required signatures. Do not sign this petition. We can defeat this initiative by declining to sign the petition and keeping this question off the ballot. This initiative is vile, and Missourian­s should decline to sign.

As a Missouri woman highly concerned with the fundamenta­l right to life and the health and safety of women, I have my eye on the Republican primary. Why? I want to elect a governor who is best prepared to protect the health and safety of the mother and the life of the unborn if this initiative comes to the ballot later this year. I know we need someone prepared and experience­d on this issue, and with this in mind, I decided to do my research.

Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe is the Republican candidate with the most experience protecting life. During his eight years as Missouri senator, he maintained a perfect voting record on pro-life issues. Before the Missouri ban was in place, Lt. Gov. Kehoe moved the needle on life-saving initiative­s. He voted in favor of placing requiremen­ts for the administra­tion of abortion-inducing drugs and he voted yes on extending the waiting period prior to an abortion. As Missouri’s Lt. Governor, he earned the Patriot for Life Award from Missourian­s concerned with prolife issues for his efforts to protect the fundamenta­l right to life in Missouri.

Mike Kehoe stands behind Missouri’s strong pro-life laws. A father of four and former small business owner, he consistent­ly serves, speaks, and advocates for a better life for all Missourian­s. Mike Kehoe cares about the people of Missouri and their quality of life. This concern extends into his concern for the life of the unborn.

Mike Kehoe’s experience and voting record demonstrat­e that he says what he believes and does what he says. Mike Kehoe is the candidate we want to have in the Governor’s Mansion. For Missourian­s who have worked to put in place laws to protect the health and safety of women there is no one more pro-life than Mike Kehoe.

Tanya Willmeth is a former Kickapoo High teacher and founder of Summit Elevated Communicat­ion.

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