Springfield News-Leader

Which is harder?

- NORTH ♠ KQ3 Q 10 7 6 5 7 5 2 ♣ A K

Today I end a three-week survey of the defenders’ play, meant to foster clear thinking on defense. Cover the East and South cards, and defend as West. East opened two diamonds, weak. When North balanced with a double, South jumped to three hearts to invite game, and North went on.

You lead your singleton diamond: deuce, 10 ace. Declarer takes dummy’s A-K of clubs; East plays the deuce and ten. Dummy next leads the king of spades: ace, deuce, five.

What are your thoughts? Incidental­ly, which do you think is harder, dummy play or defense? Most experts think defense is harder. I believe it takes more time and talent to become a fine declarer. Dummy play has many elements, technical and psychologi­cal. True, defenders may face tough guesses, but the correct defense may admit to logical analysis.

If East had the K-Q-J of diamonds, you have no worries: South will lose two diamonds, a spade and a trump. So assume South had the A-K of diamonds.

South’s spade lead would make no sense if he had three; he might set up an extra spade winner for you. He needs an entry to his hand; most likely, he has the queen of clubs and plans to pitch a diamond from dummy. Moreover, if South had 42, K9843, AK3, Q63, he would lead a trump at Trick Four (and would have bid more).

Play East for the king of trumps. When he leads the queen of diamonds next, ruff South’s king with your ACE of trumps and lead a low trump. East wins and cashes a diamond for down one.

If you saw the winning defense, well done!

East dealer

Both sides vulnerable

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