Springfield News-Sun

Chip shortage puts production in the slow lane


DETROIT — A global semiconduc­tor shortage and a February winter storm have combined to force Ford to build F-150 pickup trucks without some computers.

The company says the pickups will be held at factories for “a number of weeks,” then shipped to dealers once computers are available and quality checks are done.

The move is the latest ripple from the global semiconduc­tor shortage, which earlier this week forced Honda and Toyota to announce production cuts at some North American factories. General Motors also has been forced to build pickups without some computers and install them later.

Ford’s move is likely to tighten inventory of F-Series pickups, the top-selling vehicles in America. Inventorie­s already are tight due to high demand and production losses due to last year’s coronaviru­s-related factory shutdowns.

Ford also said it will build the

Edge SUV without computers and ship them later, and it will cancel some shifts Thursday and Friday at an assembly plant in Louisville, Kentucky, where the Ford Escape SUV is made.

Automakers have said they don’t expect the chip shortage to get any better before the third quarter of the year. Ford has said the shortage could cut its pretax earnings by $1 billion to $2.5 billion, even if it makes up for some of the lost production in the second half of the year.

Also Thursday, Nissan announced it would temporaril­y cancel production at factories due to the chip shortage.

Industry officials say semiconduc­tor companies diverted production to consumer electronic­s during the worst of the COVID-19 slowdown in auto sales last spring. Global automakers were forced to close plants to prevent the spread of the virus. When automakers recovered, there weren’t enough chips as demand for personal electronic­s boomed.

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