Springfield News-Sun

When the filibuster turns deadly, it’s time for change

- Gail Collins

You may have heard that the House just passed a couple of very, very moderate gun safety bills. They now go to the Senate, where Republican­s are hoping to let them molder forever in a closet somewhere.

But hey, maybe not. The mood in Washington is different these days. Spring is in the air! A $1.9 trillion relief program is on the books! If the Senate Democrats overcome a filibuster to tighten our gun laws — even the tiniest bit — we can tell ourselves that nothing is impossible.

The gun bills are part of the Democrats’ post-coronaviru­s agenda, and the debate began the way most such arguments begin, with opponents claiming that making it more difficult to purchase deadly weapons will lead to more crime. Because, see, you need a weapon in your house to scare off murderous intruders.

In the real world, a revolver kept in the bedside table is probably more likely to wind up shooting the owner than providing protection from a former lover. Or it might be picked up by a child, who ...

OK, don’t want to think that through.

Anyhow, the House passed the two bills on background checks rather easily, with a few Republican­s joining the Democratic majority.

The bills are not going to sweep guns off the streets — they would just make it easier to enforce the rule that anybody who buys a new weapon needs to demonstrat­e he or she isn’t a danger to society.

Soon after the House finished arguing about whether that’s a good plan, mass murder broke out in the Atlanta area. A 21-year-old man reportedly confessed to shooting up three massage parlors, killing eight people.

There are so many mass shootings in America every year that this one might not normally have gotten so much attention outside Georgia. But six of the victims were of Asian descent, and the country’s been troubled lately by violence against Asian Americans. It was clearly a relief to authoritie­s when the suspect, Robert Aaron Long, told them he was just trying to get rid of his “sexual addiction.”

The bills making their way through Congress probably wouldn’t have done anything to stop Robert Aaron Long, but just thinking about this tragedy ought to inspire our alleged leaders to do something.

The measures now go to the Senate, where the Democratic majority leader, Chuck Schumer, says they will absolutely not slide off into a legislativ­e bog, never coming to a vote or even a debate. This would be the old theory of parliament­ary progress, beloved by now-minority leader Mitch McConnell.

You have probably heard — 20 or 90 times — that opponents of a bill in the Senate can stop action by launching a talking spree. As long as they keep yapping, it takes 60 votes to get them to shut up and move things along. And you don’t really have to take the trouble to orate — the rule now is that you can register an objection, begin a theoretica­l filibuster and then wander off to have lunch or visit with constituen­ts. Everything stays shut down until you benevolent­ly agree to go back to real work.

And if the Democrats try to abolish his beloved filibuster, McConnell hissed, he’ll use the other multitudin­ous postponeme­nt methods at his disposal. “The Senate,” he said, “would be more like a 100-car pileup, nothing moving.”

Well, that would certainly be worth watching, but the best solution here is to just force senators to follow the presumed rules and stand up there and talk until they drop.

Gail Collins writes for The New York Times.

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