Springfield News-Sun

Saying goodbye to your pet

- Heloise

Dear Readers: So many of us are animal lovers. We happily welcome a dog or cat into our lives and homes for hopefully many years of joy and laughter.

But, alas, the day will come when we have to say goodbye to our beloved pet. You will most likely have to decide when to let your pet go. If sickness such as cancer has taken ahold, euthanasia is a good albeit emotionall­y trying solution. A peaceful and calm way to let your pet pass is at-home euthanasia.

Allowing your pet to die at home will afford them a less stressful environmen­t. He is in a familiar location with scents, smells and sights that are comforting to him.

The veterinari­an will explain the procedure — ensure you have a plan in place before it is needed. Usually your pet is given a sedative so he is calm. Then the veterinari­an will administer the euthanasia. You may want to hold your pet as he passes away.

Some at-home euthanasia doctors will provide you a memento such as a clay paw print, and you may want a lock of fur from your pet.

The doctor and his team will arrange for cremation and the return of your pet’s ashes to you.

This procedure is incredibly painful and trying, but at-home euthanasia may be a good option for you and your pet when the time comes. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: Stella (gray tabby) is a rescue, and she really loves her big brother (Ricky Bobby). We love both of them. — Ronnie W., via email

Dear Readers: To see these two, visit www.Heloise.com and click on “Pet of the Week.” Do you have a funny and furry friend or two? Email a picture and descriptio­n to: Heloise@Heloise.com. — Heloise


Dear Heloise :Iwasat the mall this week, and I noticed they are taking cleaning protocols very seriously. Here are some of the measures they are taking:

■ Increased focus, frequency and intensity of cleaning.

■ Face coverings are available if you don’t have one with you.

■ Social distancing reminders are posted on the floor, reminding you to stay six feet away from others not in your household.

■ Hand sanitizer stations are located throughout the mall.

■ Touch-free bathroom facilities, hands-free flushing and hand-washing, and entrances.

■ Extra spaces made in the snack bar area.

■ And what is possibly here to stay: designated curbside pickup stations. — Benjamin D. in Texas


Dear Heloise :Iusea rubber squeegee on my dog to remove loose hair before washing. This saves my plumbing from all the hair, and the dog gets cleaner. — Gary P. in Indiana

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise. com. I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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