Springfield News-Sun

Schumer sees tough pathway for $3.5T social, climate plans

- By Alan Fram

WASHINGTON — Hours after clinching an initial budget victory, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer conceded Wednesday that Democrats face a tough pathway to delivering a package surging $3.5 trillion into family, health and environmen­t programs to President Joe Biden’s desk.

Schumer, D-N.Y., made the remarks after the Senate approved a budget resolution outlining Democrats’ 10-year plan for transformi­ng the government into an engine focused on helping lower- and middle-income people and slowing the planet’s warming temperatur­es.

The real test will be when Democrats write and vote on subsequent legislatio­n actually enacting the party’s priorities into specific spending and tax policies. To succeed, Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-calif., will have to satisfy competing demands from party moderates worried about a fat price tag and progressiv­es demanding an all-out drive for their priorities, all with virtually no margin for error in the narrowly divided Congress.

“We still have a long road to travel,” Schumer told reporters, turning to a football analogy. “It’s as if we caught a nice long pass at midfield, but we still have 50 yards to go before we score a touchdown.”

Actually, some might compare it more to being halfway up Mount Everest with the steeper climb ahead. That’s because it’s easier for leaders to coax votes from lawmakers for a budget blueprint than it is when they’re writing actual changes in spending and tax laws that will deeply impact voters, interest groups and campaign contributo­rs.

Underscori­ng the political broadsides that lay ahead, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.VA., said in a statement that he has “serious concerns about the grave consequenc­es” of spending an additional $3.5 trillion that he said could fuel inflation and threaten the economy. The views of Manchin, one of the Senate’s most conservati­ve Democrats, clash with progressiv­es’ hopes for that amount or more.

Much of the cost of Democrats’ proposal would be borne by wealthy people and large corporatio­ns, another area where some centrist Democrats may be wary.

The Senate on Tuesday approved the other big chunk of Biden’s objectives, a compromise $1 trillion bundle of transporta­tion, water, broadband and other infrastruc­ture projects. That measure, which passed 69-30 with 19 Republican­s backing it, still needs House approval.

The Senate approved the budget resolution at about 4 a.m. Wednesday over uniform Republican opposition, 50-49. It seems sure to get final congressio­nal approval from the House later this month.

That fiscal blueprint’s passage is pivotal because that will protect a follow-up bill enacting specific Democratic policies into law from a GOP filibuster in the 50-50 Senate, which would otherwise kill that legislatio­n. Democrats have just a three-vote cushion in the House as well.

Schumer predicted that the final legislatio­n — which the party hopes to produce next month — will contain “every part of the Biden plan in a big, bold, robust way.”

Pointedly, he did not specify that the bill would provide the full amounts for Biden’s priorities that the president wants. To fit Democrats’ goals into their budget plans, some Biden policies may need to be made less ambitious or phased in or out over time.

A chief force behind Democrats’ drive has been Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, I-VT. He said the measure would help children, families, the elderly and working people — and more.

“It will also, I hope, restore the faith of the American people in the belief that we can have a government that works for all of us, and not just the few,” he said.

Republican­s argued that Democrats’ proposals would waste money, raise economy-wounding taxes, fuel inflation and codify far-left dictates that would harm Americans.

Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., missed the budget votes to be with his ailing wife.

In a budget ritual, senators plunged into a “vote-a-rama,” a nonstop parade of messaging amendments that often becomes a painful all-night ordeal. This time, the Senate held more than 40 roll calls by the time it approved the measure at around 4 a.m., more than 14 hours after the procedural wretchedne­ss began.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE /AP ?? Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., meets with reporters Wednesday.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE /AP Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., meets with reporters Wednesday.

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