Springfield News-Sun

Municipal Court


■ Cases called included:

■ Kevin A. Bowshier, 42, of 1214 Selma Road, guilty.

■ Jacob R. Nelson, 28, of 1575 Karr St., vandalism, continued, PD appointed.

■ Andrew Douglas Sharp, 20, of 736 E. Madison Ave., assault, continued, PD appointed, no contact.

■ Paul E. Brown, 38, of 901 Dahlia Dr. W., criminal trespass, continued, PD appointed.

■ Semaj C. Green, 18, of 311 Stanton Ave. Apt. 4, assault, continued, NAPT.

■ Jeremiah T. Abston, 38, of 2137 Larch St., violation of TPO, continued, PD appointed, no contact, bond $1,000.

■ Lindsay Nicole Baker, 33, of 1231 N. Lowry Ave., theft, innocent, continued, PD appointed.

■ Daezia Tanae Holder, 25, of 1378 Warder St., criminal damaging, innocent, continued, PD appointed.

■ Ian Joseph Juneau, 38, assault, innocent, continued, PD appointed.

■ Angel Perez, 24, of 2725 Van Buren Ave., Ovi/breath, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,000, OVI, bench warrant ordered, drive w/out valid lic, bench warrant ordered, speed, bench warrant ordered, seat belt, bench warrant ordered.

■ Jacob M. Thurnau, 37, criminal damaging, innocent, continued, PD appointed, or bond.

■ Bobby L. Alcorn, 35, of 2832 Oletha Ave., assault, bench warrant ordered.

■ Allen Michael Craig, 33, of 2735 Merritt St. #½, violation of TPO, continued, PD appointed, no contact.

■ Brandon S. Erbaugh, 22, of Fairborn, OH, Ovi-reduced to physical control, guilty, 10 days of jail, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, 10 days jail, stayed on no like offs next six months, F/C paid by Feb. 10, 2022, fined $350.

■ John C. Gabriel, 40, of Dayton, OH, domestic violence, dismissed - prosecutor request.

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