Springfield News-Sun

Lee statue removed from virginia capital

- By Sarah Rankin and Denise Lavoie

Work crews on Wednesday hoisted a statue of Confederat­e Gen. Robert E. Lee off its pedestal where it stood for over a century.

RICHMOND, VA. — A crowd erupted in cheers and song Wednesday as work crews hoisted an enormous statue of Confederat­e Gen. Robert E. Lee off the pedestal where it has towered over Virginia’s capital city for more than a century.

One of America’s largest monuments to the Confederac­y, the equestrian statue was lowered to the ground just before 9 a.m., after a constructi­on worker who strapped harnesses around Lee and his horse lifted his arms in the air and counted, “Three, two, one!” to jubilant shouts from a crowd of hundreds. A work crew then began cutting it into pieces.

“Any remnant like this that glorifies the Lost Cause of the Civil War, it needs to come down, said Gov. Ralph Northam, who called it “hopefully a new day, a new era in Virginia.” The Democrat said it represents “more than 400 years of history that we should not be proud of.”

Sharon Jennings, an African

American woman born and raised in Richmond, said she had mixed feelings seeing it go.

“It’s a good day, and it’s a sad day at the same time,” Jennings, 58, said. “It doesn’t matter what color you are, if you really like history, and you understand what this street has been your whole life and you’ve grown up this way, you’re thinking, ‘Oh, my God.’ But when you get older you understand that it does need to come down.”

Some chanted “Whose streets? Our streets!” and sang, “Hey hey hey, goodbye.” One man with a Black Lives Matter flag was escorted out by police after running into the fenced-off work area. No arrests were reported, and there was no sign of a counter protest.

Workers used a power saw to cut the statue in two along the general’s waist, so that it can be hauled under highway overpasses to an undisclose­d state-owned facility until a decision is made about its final dispositio­n.

The job was overseen by Team Henry Enterprise­s, led by Devon Henry, a Black executive who faced death threats after his company’s role in removing Richmond’s other Confederat­e statuary was made public last year. He said the Lee statue posed their most complex challenge.

“It won’t transport in this height, so we need to lift the rider off the horse and transport it that way. From a thickness standpoint, we don’t know how long it will take. Are there iron supports? It’s a total mystery,” Henry said Wednesday.

Northam ordered the statue’s removal last summer, citing nationwide pain over the death of George Floyd in Minneapoli­s after a white police officer pressed a knee into his neck. Litigation tied up his plans until the Supreme Court of Virginia cleared the way last week.

The 21-foot high bronze sculpture sat atop a granite pedestal nearly twice that tall, towering above Monument Avenue since 1890 in this former capital of the Confederac­y.

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 ?? STEVE HELBER / AP ?? Crews remove one of the country’s largest remaining monuments to the Confederac­y, a statue of Confederat­e General Robert E. Lee, on Wednesday.
STEVE HELBER / AP Crews remove one of the country’s largest remaining monuments to the Confederac­y, a statue of Confederat­e General Robert E. Lee, on Wednesday.

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