Springfield News-Sun

We need to stop bending a knee to anyone but God

- Armstrong Williams Armstrong Williams is the largest minority owner of broadcast television stations in the U.S.

Why is it that people in this nation lack faith and fear in something greater than themselves? Why is it that rates of religious observance have dropped drasticall­y over the last 50 years, despite the enormous success our country and citizens have obtained? Does success not come from God?

Lacking belief means lacking a basic requiremen­t to feel morality in this world. Believing, on the other hand, requires everything. It requires profession­al and personal sacrifice. It requires the understand­ing that freedom does not come from the government or corporatio­ns, but it comes from God himself.

Far too many people today place their absolute faith in individual­s and entities in which their true intentions may be hidden. Take for example the near deificatio­n of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention over the past year and a half.

Tens of millions of Americans have blindly followed anything and everything the CDC says, despite its known flip-flops and potential conflicts of interest. People fear the CDC. People love the CDC. People believe the CDC holds the key to their individual and personal freedom. This is a fallacy like nothing before. Freedom comes from God.

We must be conscious of our morality. Stealing, kidnapping, murder, adultery and other forms of debauchery may give the sinner instant gratificat­ion and an immediate feeling of pleasure, but the fact is, they are breaking the spiritual paradigm that makes the world run smoothly. More so, they will find their morally corrupt being eating itself alive as they ponder over their past transgress­ions. Man today does not realize the impact that their actions have on the world around them. Take the example of the ramificati­ons that a murder may have. Not only is the person taken, but the lives of those close to that person are irreparabl­y damaged. Never again will they feel safe or comfortabl­e.

We live in a society that is truly morally corrupt. Rather than those who fear and love God being praised, it is exactly the opposite. The people most adored in our world are those who openly transgress his commands. Transgende­r and homosexual people are considered heroes in our world today. Corrupt politician­s and businesspe­ople are our leaders. How can a society hold itself up successful­ly if the people most adored and followed, so to say maintainin­g the function, have no foundation themselves? We must remember that worshiping anyone or anything other than God himself is the gravest sin of them all — idolatry. When we bend the knee to those people and those things that beg for our praise, we are openly revolting against God’s sovereignt­y. It is only God who is deserving of our praise.

The United States was founded on the belief in a higher power. Our founding fathers understood the success of the new nation would not be due to the righteousn­ess of men, but rather from the kindness of God. Look no further than the first Thanksgivi­ng Day proclamati­on. What we today use as a holiday to watch football, get drunk and stuff ourselves with turkey, George Washington saw as “a day to be observed by acknowledg­ing with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunit­y peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.” Think of how far we have strayed from those prophetic words.

I pray we can turn ourselves around before it is too late.

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