Springfield News-Sun

Democrats treating ‘school board moms’ like terrorists

- Marc A. Thiessen Marc A. Thiessen writes for The Washington Post.

First there were “soccer moms” — the minivan-driving suburban mothers who became swing voters in the 1996 presidenti­al election.

Then there were “security moms” who after 9/11 were concerned about keeping their children safe from terrorism.

Well, in 2022, the new swing voters will be “school board moms” — suburban women who are deeply concerned with the direction of their children’s education and are showing up at school board meetings to make their voices heard. But instead of addressing their concerns, Democrats are likening them to terrorists and weaponizin­g the FBI to intimidate them.

Big mistake.

School board moms are furious about pandemic school closures, mask mandates and teachers unions that put the interests of adults over the interests of kids. They are irate that schools are indoctrina­ting their kids with extremist ideologies — teaching them to see everything through the prism of race and to believe that America is a systemical­ly racist country. They are angry about the eliminatio­n of merit-based admissions and gifted-and-talented programs in the name of diversity. They are livid at politician­s such as Virginia gubernator­ial candidate Terry Mcauliffe, who doesn’t believe “parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” and Cabinet officials, including Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, who won’t acknowledg­e that parents are the “primary stakeholde­rs” in their children’s education. And they are exercising their constituti­onal right to free speech to express those concerns at school board meetings.

And what is the Democrats’ response? To treat them as domestic terrorists. Not figurative­ly; literally. In September, the National School Boards Associatio­n sent a letter to President Joe Biden accusing parents of engaging in “domestic terrorism and hate crimes” and asking Biden — I kid you not — to deploy the “U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, and its National Threat Assessment Center” as well as the FBI and “its National Security Branch and Counterter­rorism Division” to investigat­e this “immediate threat” using the “PATRIOT Act in regards to domestic terrorism.” Yes, you read that right. The school board associatio­n wants the Biden administra­tion to use a law designed to stop al-qaida from carrying out another 9/11 against parents who come to school board meetings to exercise their First Amendment rights.

In its letter, the school board associatio­n did not cite a single incident that violated anti-terrorism statutes, much less warranted federal interventi­on, but the Biden administra­tion is using the FBI and the threat of federal prosecutio­n to intimidate parents who come to school board meetings to complain about their children’s education.

When left-wing protesters follow Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-ariz., into a bathroom, the president calls it inappropri­ate but “part of the process.” But when parents confront school board members at public meetings designed for that purpose, it’s an FBI matter?

Democrats have declared war on school board moms, and they are going to regret it. In 2018 and 2020, suburban, college-educated women defected from the GOP in droves and helped give Democrats the White House and majorities in Congress. But school board moms are mad as hell — and Democrats will rue the day they treated them like terrorists.

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