Springfield News-Sun

More getting abortion pills by mail, with legality in question

- By John Hanna

TOPEKA, KANSAS — Before her daughter’s birth, she spent weeks in bed. Another difficult pregnancy would be worse as she tried to care for her toddler.

Faced with that possibilit­y, the 28-year-old Texas woman did what a growing number of people have considered: She had a friend in another state mail her the pills she needed to end her pregnancy. She took the pills, went to bed early and describes the experience as “calm” and “peaceful.”

“If people can have births at birthing centers or in their own homes, why shouldn’t people be able to have abortions in their own homes?” said the woman, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because she worries about legal reprisals as Texas moves to join several other states in disallowin­g mail delivery of abortion medication­s. “It’s a comfort thing.”

The COVID-19 pandemic and Texas’ near-ban on abortion fueled increased interest in obtaining abortion medication­s by mail. But with the legality in doubt in several states, some people looking to get around restrictio­ns may not see it as worth the risk. The matter is taking on new urgency with the Supreme Court set to hear arguments next month in Mississipp­i’s bid to erode the Roe v. Wade decision guaranteei­ng the right to an abortion.

Some abortion-rights advocates worry that whatever state officials and anti-abortion groups promise, people ending their pregnancie­s at home will face criminal prosecutio­ns.

“We don’t think that people are doing anything wrong to order medication from an online site,” said Elisa Wells, co-founder and co-director of Plan C, which provides informatio­n about medical abortions. “I mean, that’s how men get Viagra. They order it online, and nobody’s talking about that and asking, is that illegal?”

Medication abortions have increased in popularity since regulators started allowing them two decades ago and now account for roughly 40% of U.S. abortions. The medication can cost as little as $110 to get by mail, compared with at least $300 for a surgical abortion.

However, people seeking abortion pills often must navigate differing state laws, including bans on delivery of the drugs and on telemedici­ne consultati­ons to discuss the medication with a health care provider. And until Democrat Joe Biden became president, U.S. government policy banned mail delivery nationwide.

“We just didn’t want women to use these medication­s and not have any protection­s, any guidance, any consultati­on,” said Oklahoma state Sen. Julie Daniels, a Republican and lead sponsor of her state’s law banning delivery of abortion medication by mail, which is on hold amid a legal challenge.

Plan C saw roughly 135,000 hits on its website in September, about nine times the number it had before the Texas law that bans abortion as early as six weeks into a pregnancy took effect Sept. 1, Wells said.

Aid Access, which helps women get abortion pills and covers costs for those who can’t afford them, says it can’t yet provide data from recent months. It saw a 27% increase in the U.S. in people seeking abortion pills as states instituted restrictio­ns early in the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a University of Texas study. The biggest increase was in Texas, which had limited access to clinics, saying it was necessary to check the coronaviru­s’ spread.

Aid Access has a physician based in Europe, Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, provide prescripti­ons to clients in 32 states that only allow doctors to do so. The pills are mailed from India.

“I don’t think that any state level regulation is going to stop Dr. Gomperts from what she’s doing,” said Christie Pitney, a California nurse-midwife who is Aid Access’ provider for that state and Massachuse­tts.

Indeed, Aid Access defied a 2019 order from the Food and Drug Administra­tion to stop distributi­ng medication­s in the U.S. In April, the Biden administra­tion dropped the FDA ban on mail delivery of abortion medication­s during the pandemic.

The divide among Democratic-leaning and Republican-leaning states is stark in the St. Louis area. On the Illinois side, Planned Parenthood offers telemedici­ne consultati­ons and prescripti­ons by mail. Missouri, however, bars telemedici­ne and requires a pre-abortion pelvic exam, which providers see as unnecessar­y and invasive.

“In Missouri, we don’t actually provide medication abortion because of the state requiremen­t,” said Dr. Colleen Mcnicholas, chief medical officer of the regional affiliate.

Abortion opponents don’t expect the FDA restrictio­n on abortion medication to be reinstated under Biden. GOP lawmakers in Arkansas,arizona, Montana and Oklahoma already were working on new laws to ban mail delivery when the FDA acted. Texas’ mail-delivery ban takes effect Dec. 2. South Dakota GOP Gov. Kristi Noem issued an executive order in September.

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