Springfield News-Sun

For GOP, midterms were a case of political malpractic­e

- Gary Franks Gary Franks is a former GOP congressma­n from Connecticu­t. Jonah Goldberg returns soon.

Despite a hurricane-like wind at their backs on the issues, the Republican Party, with the exception of Florida, failed to create a red wave. The midterm elections were a splendid example of democracy working properly, however.

When I heard the Democrats’ closing message that the “world was coming to an end” and “our Democracy was in jeopardy,” I thought they were giving hyperbole a bad name. In fact, the only threat on Election Day was the political careers of Democrats politician­s. I was wrong.

Their closing message did have some traction with voters. It would be best called the Donald Trump factor, which they manipulate­d adroitly with the assistance of the liberal media.

The normal strategy of getting “90+% of the Black vote — all eggs in one basket — was in play in the three states — Pennsylvan­ia, Wisconsin and Michigan. The GOP would have carried those states without a high percentage of the Black vote from Philadelph­ia, Milwaukee and Detroit. It takes a strong white female vote to offset the 90% Black vote.

Democrats did have some unexpected help.

For the Republican­s, to a degree it was due to self-inflicted wounds — political malpractic­e.

Let’s start with abortion. Michigan had the question as part of a referendum.

All states must address the abortion issue per the Supreme Court decision.

Yet, thanks to Sen. Lindsey Graham who introduced a bill to address the abortion question by way of a federal law, many voters become emboldened on the issue. The Democrats’ only real issue was therefore highlighte­d by a member of the opposition. Democrats didn’t have to address how practical Graham’s bill was, all they had to do was promote it by vigorously opposing it. This was like a gift from the saints.

On abortion, the Supreme Court already took away all the mystery on how it would act even if Graham were able to get his bill before Congress (Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell vowed not to entertain the measure). Remember, the court decided it was an issue for the states to decide.

Graham therefore wins one of the three Political Malpractic­e Awards for the 2022 elections.

It is wise to avoid emotional wedge issues prior to an election. You know, like Social Security and Medicare. Oh, someone missed this one too.

In 1994, Florida Gov. Lawton Chiles claimed his opponent, Republican Jeb Bush, was going to cut Medicare. Chiles won. But the problem was that his claim was false. Medicare is a federal program, not affected by a governor. Yet it worked for Chiles.

This Political Malpractic­e Award goes to Sen. Rick Scott, who decided to inject Medicare and Social Security into the conversati­on. Once again, this was a gift from the saints. What gave this “legs” is the fact that the “proposal” came from the individual responsibl­e for getting GOP candidates and incumbents elected. The negative ads on this topic ran incessantl­y, hurting GOP candidates.

Referring to your candidates in a disparagin­g manner was also upsetting.

This Political Malpractic­e Award goes to Mcconnell. Once again, the Democrats are to be commended. They blocked what should have been a typical slam dunk. It did not happen.

Side Note — High praise should go to the Republican National Committee for putting forth such a diverse slate of candidates. A GOP Black Caucus could grow to an all-time high of five.

Lastly, an inadverten­t benefit of the Democrat effort may have been to put the GOP on track for success with a generation­al change for 2024. Florida Gov. Ron Desantis had a big night, and Trump didn’t.

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