Springfield News-Sun

Authoritar­ianism’s bad year was on display for all to see

- Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg is editor-inchief of The Dispatch and the host of The Remnant podcast.

As 2022 draws to a close, it’s worth celebratin­g that this hasn’t been a good year for authoritar­ianism.

This might seem Pollyannis­h. After all, just last month, the Internatio­nal Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance issued a report concluding that democracy is in decline while authoritar­ianism is deepening. Freedom House cataloged “The Global Expansion of Authoritar­ian

Rule” back in February. “The global order is nearing a tipping point,” the nonprofit declared, “and if democracy’s defenders do not work together to help guarantee freedom for all people, the authoritar­ian model will prevail.” A Pew study of global attitudes concluded in May: “As democratic nations have wrestled with economic, social and geopolitic­al upheaval in recent years, the future of liberal democracy has come into question.”

I don’t dispute any of that, with one caveat: The future of liberal democracy is pretty much always an open question, because liberal democracy is always under threat from the authoritar­ian temptation. Authoritar­ianism comes naturally to humans, while liberalism has to be taught — and fought for. Whenever liberal democratic capitalism seems to stumble — which is often — authoritar­ianism suddenly seems like a viable alternativ­e.

Sadly, authoritar­ianism can sound appealing in the abstract, but people tend not to like it when they actually experience it. And while it often works very well for the authoritar­ians themselves — Vladimir Putin may, in fact, be the world’s richest man — it fails for the average citizen.

But it isn’t failure per se that undermines authoritar­ianism. Every system is flawed, every government makes mistakes. It is the inability to admit and remedy mistakes that is authoritar­ianism’s Achilles’ heel.

Over the weekend, the New York Times published an article on how Putin badly blundered in his attempt to conquer Ukraine in a matter of days.

Perhaps the biggest lesson is that in a system lacking a free press, democratic oversight and any incentive to point out problems, the war planners became blind to even the most obvious problems. Instead of the “walk in a park” Putin had been assured, the Russian military revealed itself to be shot through with corruption and ineptitude — because the dumbest thing you can do in Putin’s Russia is tell him something he doesn’t want to hear.

Iran is another example for mankind. The ruling regime is having its worst crisis of popular legitimacy since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 because the Iranian people have been denied any ability to meaningful­ly redress injustice — or even call attention to it — other than mass protest and disobedien­ce.

And in China, widely considered best-in-class among authoritar­ian regimes, President Xi Jinping has reversed course after two years of a “zero tolerance” COVID-19 policy that involved welding people into their homes during lockdowns. The reversal is welcome, but it only came after vast spontaneou­s protests shook the regime and called into question Xi’s grip on power.

In the U.S., and the democratic world generally, the fad of illiberali­sm can seem appealing, in part because our system’s failures are always on display, while authoritar­ianism’s remain hidden behind Potemkin facades until the victims can’t take the oppression anymore.

Sadly, I don’t think the Chinese regime is about to crumble any time soon, though I’m less gloomy about Russia or Iran. I do think they will all crumble eventually, because tyranny is not sustainabl­e over the long haul — when there is a viable alternativ­e available.

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