Springfield News-Sun

GOP majority starts with vote to cut IRS funding

- By Kevin Freking

WASHINGTON — House Republican­s began their tenure in the majority Monday by passing a bill that would rescind nearly $71 billion that Congress had provided the IRS, fulfilling a campaign promise even though the legislatio­n is unlikely to advance further.

Democrats had beefed up the IRS over the next decade to help offset the cost of top health and environmen­tal priorities they passed last year and to replenish an agency struggling to provide basic services to taxpayers and ensure fairness in tax compliance.

The money is on top of what Congress provides the IRS annually through the appropriat­ions process and immediatel­y became a magnet for GOP campaign ads in the fall claiming that the boost would lead to an army of IRS agents harassing hard-working Americans.

The bill to rescind the money passed the House on a party-line vote of 221210. The Democratic-controlled Senate has vowed to ignore it.

Shortly before the vote, the nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office projected that rescinding the extra IRS funding would increase deficits over the coming decade by more than $114 billion. That created an awkward moment for Republican­s, who have been saying that addressing deficits would be one of their top concerns in the majority. It offered an early example of how the GOP’S bold promises on the campaign trail could get tangled in the messy reality of governing.

Still, the CBO’S projection didn’t appear to dampen Republican support. Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., said the extra IRS funding Democrats provided last year was for one purpose.

“To go after small businesses, hard-working Americans to try to raise money for reckless spending, reckless spending that has caused $31 trillion in debt in this nation,” Duncan said.

Duncan and other GOP lawmakers routinely say the extra funding will be used to hire 87,000 new agents to target Americans, but that’s misleading. The number is based on a Treasury Department plan saying that many IRS employees would be hired over the next decade if it got the money. But those employees will not all be hired at the same time, they will not all be auditors and many will be replacing some 50,000 employees who are expected to quit or retire in coming years.

“This debate about IRS lends itself to be the most dishonest, demagogic rhetoric that I have seen in the Congress at any point in time,” said Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-MD.

Charles Rettig, the former commission­er of the IRS, said in a final message to the agency in November that the additional money would help in many areas, not just beefing up tax enforcemen­t. He said the investment­s would make it “even less likely for honest taxpayers to hear from the IRS or receive an audit letter.”

Additional funding for the agency has been politicall­y controvers­ial since 2013, when the IRS under the Obama administra­tion was found to have used inappropri­ate criteria to review tea party groups and other organizati­ons applying for tax-exempt status.

In the ensuing years, the IRS was mostly on the losing end of congressio­nal funding fights, even as a subsequent 2017 report found that both conservati­ve and liberal groups were chosen for scrutiny.

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