Springfield News-Sun

In shift to far right, populist Wilders wins Dutch election

- By Mike Corder and Raf Casert

THE HAGUE, Netherland­s — Anti-islam populist Geert Wilders said Thursday that he is ready to join the next Dutch coalition government after he surged to a huge election victory that marked a stunning lurch to the far right for a nation once famed as a beacon of tolerance.

The result is sending shockwaves through Europe, where extremist nationalis­t ideology is putting pressure on democracie­s that now face the possibilit­y of having to deal with the first farright prime minister of the Netherland­s.

“It is going to happen that the PVV is in the next Cabi- net,” Wilders said, using the Dutch abbreviati­on for his Party for Freedom.

With nearly all votes counted, Wilders’ party was forecast to win 37 seats in the 150-seat lower house of parliament, more than dou- ble the 17 the party secured in the last election.

Wilders got a standing ovation, cake and sparkling wine when he met his lawmakers at the parliament building Thursday morning.

“Can you imagine it? 37 seats!” he said to cheers.

Other political parties were holding separate meet- ings to discuss the election’s outcome before what is likely to be an arduous process of forming a new governing coalition begins Friday.

Wilders’ election program included calls for a referen- dum on the Netherland­s leav- ing the European Union, a total halt to accepting asy- lum-seekers and migrant pushbacks at Dutch borders.

It also advocates the “de-is- lamization” of the Nether- lands. He says he wants no mosques or Islamic schools in the country, although he has been milder about Islam during this election cam- paign than in the past.

One of the most prominent Muslim organizati­ons in the Netherland­s said it had received emails express- ing support since the elec- tion result.

“That’s reassuring,” the Contact Group Muslims and Government said in a statement. “In addition, Mr. Wilders has said that he will become prime minister of all Dutch people, regard- less of their religion, sex or color. The Netherland­s is a state governed by the rule of law and we trust that it is tolerant country.” Although known for his harsh rhetoric, Wilders began courting other con- servative and centrist par- ties by saying in a victory speech that whatever poli- cies he pushes will be “within the law and constituti­on.”

His victory appeared based on his campaign to curtail migration — the issue that caused the last governing

acoalition to quit in July — and to tackle problems includ- ing the Netherland­s’ cost- of-living crisis and housing shortages.

In his victory speech, Wilders said he wants to end what he called the “asy- lum tsunami,” referring to the migration issue that came to dominate his campaign.

“The Dutch will be No. 1 again,” Wilders said. “The people must get their nation back.”

But to become prime min- ister of a country known for compromise politics, the politician sometimes called the “Dutch Donald Trump” must persuade other party leaders to work with him in a coalition government. That will be tough since mainstream parties have long been reluctant to join forces with him and his party, but the size of his vic- tory strengthen­s his hand in any negotiatio­ns.

Wilders called on other parties to constructi­vely engage in coalition talks. Pieter Omtzigt, a former cen- trist Christian Democrat who built his own New Social Contract party in three months to take 20 seats, said he would always be open to talks.

“It will be a complicate­d formation process. It is up to responsibl­e politician­s to form a government, one way or another,” Omtzigt said, according to Dutch news site Nu.nl.

The party that finished behind Wilders’ in the election was an alliance of the center-left Labor Party and Green Left, which was forecast to win 25 seats. But its leader, Frans Timmermans, made clear that Wilders shouldn’t count on him as a partner.

The historic victory came one year after the win of Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni, whose Brothers of Italy party had roots steeped in nostalgia for fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. Meloni has since mellowed her stance on several issues and has become the acceptable face of the hard right in the EU.

During the final weeks of his campaign, Wilders somewhat softened his stance and vowed that he would be a prime minister for all Dutch people.

The election was called after the fourth and final coalition of Mark Rutte, who resigned in July, failed to agree on measures to rein in migration. He has been in office for 13 years, making him the Netherland­s’ longest-serving leader, and plans to step down once a new coalition government is formed.

Rutte was replaced as the head of VVD by Dilan Yeşilgöz-zegerius, a former refugee from Turkey who could have become the country’s first female prime minister had her party won the most votes. It was forecast to lose 10 seats to end up with 24.

 ?? PHIL NIJHUIS / AP ?? Far-right Party for Freedom leader Geert Wilders (second from right) celebrates after winning a general election, in The Hague, Netherland­s, on Thursday. The party won 37 seats in the Dutch parliament.
PHIL NIJHUIS / AP Far-right Party for Freedom leader Geert Wilders (second from right) celebrates after winning a general election, in The Hague, Netherland­s, on Thursday. The party won 37 seats in the Dutch parliament.
 ?? AP ?? Workers block the entrance to the Rainbow Bridge border crossing between the U.S. and Canada, Wednesday, in Niagara Falls, Ontario, after a vehicle exploded at a checkpoint on the American side of the bridge.
AP Workers block the entrance to the Rainbow Bridge border crossing between the U.S. and Canada, Wednesday, in Niagara Falls, Ontario, after a vehicle exploded at a checkpoint on the American side of the bridge.

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