Springfield News-Sun

Two Dems vying for 15th District seat

Representa­tive for 6th district squaring off with businesswo­man.

- By Nancy Bowman

Two Democrats are seeking the nomination to challenge incumbent Republican Mike Carey in the 15th Congressio­nal District race March 19.

The district includes all or part of six counties, including Franklin, Madison, Clark, Fayette, Miami and Shelby .

Adam Miller of Columbus serves as 6th District state representa­tive and is an Army JAG reserve colonel. He previously served on the Grandview Heights school board.

Zerqa Abid of Grove City is a small business owner, consultant and nonprofit executive director. This is her first bid for an elected office.

Adam Miller

Miller, 59, said he is running to help ensure Ohioans can compete in the modern global economy and to encourage working together in Washington to get things gone.

“Good jobs start with investment in people from higher education to trade careers. We need investment in infrastruc­ture and in working families for good jobs here at home,” he said. “We must end the discord and dysfunctio­n of Washington politics. We must elect officials who promise to work together rather than against one another.”

Miller said he would bring to the office experience in getting things done and bringing people together. “For too long, so many members of Congress are beholden to their own business interests or blind loyalty to their party. I believe in one person — one vote; not one dollar — one vote,” he said. “I will work to end the chaos and divisivene­ss in Washington. Where we can agree, I will build consensus and work with the other party. We are public servants and we should serve the public with compassion and understand­ing.”

Among his priorities would be ensuring women have the ability to make their own health care decisions, that Americans can complete in the global market and step-up efforts to help families dealing with addiction and mental health issues. “Recovery support must be comprehens­ive and focused to the point of need,” Miller said.

Zerqa Abid

Immigratio­n is a top issue for Abid.

“We must tone down the rhetoric. We must get the facts on what is happening — not cable TV talking points. Then, we must sit down and negotiate a bipartisan solution — similar to the one that currently exists, and we must pass it. And pass it now. I will not allow politics to threaten our border security. “

Abid, 55, said she is running for office for the children and for the future.

“I have been serving this district as a small business owner and a women’s rights advocate for 16 years. I have served on various commission­s and committees in education, public safety and human services areas. In 2014, I repurposed my life after hearing about children being trafficked from Columbus to Minnesota and Tennessee. I started an organizati­on from my kitchen. In the last 9 years, that organizati­on has become the largest Muslim Social Services organizati­on in Ohio,” she said.

“I have served more than 300,000 Ohioans and have saved thousands of children from hunger, drugs, gangs, violence, human traffickin­g and more. I have addressed poverty and unemployme­nt by creating jobs and providing workforce developmen­t. I am tired of career politician­s who are disconnect­ed from their constituen­ts and have no will or passion to address the issues of their constituen­ts.”

Among Abid’s priorities would be women’s rights and empowermen­t including the right too choose and equal pay; healthcare; and foreign policy and national security.

“As an immigrant myself, I understand the struggle of those who wait for years to reunite with their families legally. I am also aware of the challenges faced by undocument­ed immigrants within our communitie­s and the plight of those at our borders fleeing from oppression and violence. I propose to implement strategic and comprehens­ive reforms that will expedite the process of legal immigratio­n, pave a clear roadmap to citizenshi­p for undocument­ed immigrants and DREAMERS, enhance the efficiency of our asylum system, and address other critical aspects of immigratio­n. I am committed to ensuring a balanced approach that safeguards both our national security and the values upon which this nation was founded.”

Informatio­n on the Abid campaign is available at www.zerqa4cong­ress. com. Informatio­n on Miller’s campaign can be found at Millerfora­merica.com.

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Adam Miller
 ?? ?? Zerqa Abid
Zerqa Abid

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